- Current members: Nicole Yoon, Kicheol Kim, Junhee Yoon, Ka-kyung Kim, Hyunmin Kim
- Please, leave a message in Discussions tab if you have any question and requests
- Please use docker image to analyze the data. AWS module is ready and Please ask to members for getting auth if AWS is needed
- Our data is located in S3 bucket
Finding potential biomarkers and therapeutic target for helping multiple sclerosis patients, reference: Cell type-specific transcriptomics identifies neddylation as a novel therapeutic target in multiple sclerosis
Phase 1
- Extracting significant signal from the dataset and finding Biomarker for early detection & progression
- Finding therapeutic target discovery based on biological dataset
Phase 2
- Finding and developing actual business ideas or a practical usage case to make this project for helping patients
- S3 Bucket (Ask to members)
- NAS for main data distribution
- Please refer to this repository for the controller: Snakemake GUI Controller
- Related docker sources:
Image name Location snakemake-gui-controller-image Link
- Please refer to this repository for AWS usage: AWS module repository
- Related docker sources:
Image name Location activation-score-batch-image Link deg-pipeline-batch-image Link feature-extraction-batch-image Link
- Please refer to this repository for Notebook usage: Notebook repository
Usage of docker container
4 images are needed to use services (notebook, pipelines, celery and redis)
We are using docker registry to distribute images, please refer to here
Docker compose option
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up --build # composing up by the codes or docker-compose -f docker-compose.example.yaml up # composing up by using the registry
Jupyter notebook container
# Access jupyter notebook # Please use this in your browser after docker-compose up http://localhost:8888/token_number
Pipeline container
# Please use this in your browser after docker-compose up http://localhost/