Open Hunt is a brand new community for fans and builders of early stage technology products. We aim to be completely open and transparent, without insiders or gatekeepers who control who gets listed and who gets left out.
Ruby on Rails (Rails 4.2.5 on Ruby 2.1.4) install
PostgreSQL install on mac | install on linux
Firstly, fork the repo on the master branch and clone your repo
git clone<your username>/openhunt
Install the required gems with bundler
bundle install
Create a new branch for your feature
git checkout -b feature/your-feature
Setup the Twitter App instructions
Run the application using
rails server
When you have finished your feature and added your tests, submit a pull request using your feature branch.
Open Hunt currently uses Twitter authentication. To dev locally, you'll need to create an app on and use the auth keys they provide you.
- Create a dev app with your twitter account:
set the name to something unique (something like "Open Hunt dev - [your github username]")
set description / website to anything
set the callback url to (a shortlink that points to http://localhost:3000/auth/twitter/callback)
- Change the permissions to "Read Only"
in "Application Settings -> Access Level", click "modify app permissions"
- Click on the tab "Keys and Access Tokens". Then create a new file at
with the content:
# pull the value for "Consumer Key (API Key)"
twitter_key: "PASTE_REAL_KEY_HERE"
# pull the value for "Consumer Secret (API Secret)"
twitter_secret: "PASTE_REAL_SECRET_HERE"
Configure an ENV variable locally for DATABASE_URL
. Configuration instructions here.
In dev mode it's useful to generate a randomly generated list of users, posts, and votes.
rake db:seed
In dev mode, it's useful to be able to log in as any user. To do this, navigate to: http://locahost:3000/devauth
Open Hunt is released under the MIT License.