A dataset license generator for dataset publishers
Answer all the questions in the 3 steps to get your custom data license.
Answering "Yes" gives the right to distribute the data, i.e. to make all or part of the Data available to Third Parties under the same terms as those you will choose.
Answering "Yes" gives the right to create Labelled Data, meaning the creation of associated metadata and informational content derived from Data which identify, comment or otherwise derive information from Data, such as tags and labels.
A Representation means a Model existing in a different form, format or model that mimics the effects of the Data, but that does not contain any individual data points or allow third parties to infer personal data points with currently existing technology.
Answering "No" means that the Data is made available for viewing and evaluation only, without any further right to use it in conjunction with Models.
"Research" means to access the Data, use the Data to create or improve Models, but without the right to use the Output or resulting Trained Model for any purpose other than evaluating the Model Research under the same terms. Note that the next question pertains to making the results of the Research available (i.e. publishing them).
This means the right to make available to Third Parties the Models resulting from Research, provided however that third parties accessing such Trained Models have the right to use them for Research or Publication only. Note that there are additional rights that can be granted through the following questions.
The Output can be used internally for any purpose, but not necessarily made available to Third Parties or for their benefit. Note that the ability to make available to third Parties or use for their benefit can be restricted in later questions, but if you do not grant the right to use for Internal Purposes, then the other subsequent rights are not granted either.
Output means the results of operating a Trained Model. Commercialization means to make the Output available to third parties or for their benefit (but does not include the right to make the Trained Model available).
Answering "Yes" means allowing the right to make the Trained Model itself available to a third party, or embodying the Trained Model in a product or service that is distributed, with or without direct access to the Output for such third party.
- Distribute
- Label, tag or create subsets
- Re-represent
- Benchmark
- Research
- Publish
- Internal use
- Output commercialization
- Model commercialization
Reference : https://www.montrealdatalicense.com/en