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Bash library for gen-pack scripts


This repository contains a library with helper function to assemble a script that creates a Open-CMSIS-Pack.


This library is written for Bash v5 or later and uses a couple of standard *nix commands:

  • basename
  • cp
  • curl
  • dirname
  • dos2unix (optional)
  • echo
  • find
  • git (optional)
  • gh (optional)
  • grep
  • mac2unix (optional)
  • mkdir
  • mv
  • patch (optional)
  • realpath
  • sed
  • sha1sum
  • tar
  • test
  • unix2dos (optional)
  • unix2mac (optional)
  • xmllint (optional)

In addition the packchk utility from CMSIS-Toolbox is required for verification.


This library shall be well prepared to run on any standard Linux with Bash v5 or later.

$ sudo apt install \
    curl \


This library requires Bash v5 and some additional GNU tools to be installed using Homebrew:

$ brew install \
    bash \
    coreutils \
    gnu-tar \


The following tools need to be installed on Windows machines.

Bash v5


xmllint is provided by the Chocolatey xsltproc package. Installing choco and xsltproc can be done from an administrative PowerShell prompt:

> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
> [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072
> iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
> choco install xsltproc

Alternatively, xmllint can be installed manually using the libxml library. Download the following ZIP files:


Extract the /bin directory of each ZIP file to a directory, for example C:\xmllint and add this directory to the Windows PATH environment variable.


The compression tool 7-Zip supports command line calls and can be used in generation scripts like for automated pack file creation. Download the appropriate installer for your Windows system. Use defaults for your installation.

Get Started

In order to use this Bash library for your script you can use the template as a starting point.

All file references are evaluated relative to the .pdsc files parent directory, i.e. you can use the same relative file names as within the .pdsc file.

  1. Copy template

    Copy the template into the root of your package source.

  2. Set eXecute permission (Windows only!)

    Run git update-index --chmod=+x to set the eXecute permission. Otherwise the script will not be executable in a Linux/Mac checkout by default such as running in a GitHub Action.

  3. Prepare variable REQUIRED_GEN_PACK_LIB

    Replace <pin lib version here> with the version of the library you want to use, e.g. 1.0.0.

    For available versions see Open-CMSIS-Pack/gen-pack/tags.

    Use the tag name without the prefix "v", e.g., 0.7.0

  4. Prepare variable DEFAULT_ARGS

    Add any required default command line arguments to the line DEFAULT_ARGS=().

    For example, add -c [<prefix>] here to force creating release history from Git.

    The <prefix> is the version prefixed used for release tags if any.

  5. Prepare variable PACK_OUTPUT

    This variable holds the path for the output files relative to the script location.

  6. Prepare variable PACK_BUILD

    This variable holds the path for the build files relative to the script location.

  7. Prepare variable PACK_DIRS

    Replace <list directories here> with a list of directories that shall be included in the pack.

    The directories are included recursively with all contained files. If left empty (i.e. PACK_DIRS=""), all folders next to the .pdsc file are copied.

    Subdirectories (e.g., path/to/folder) are copied with same hierarchy (i.e., resulting in <build>/path/to/folder/**/*).

    Folders from outside the pack root (e.g., ../path/to/src) are copied without hierarchy into the build folder (i.e., resulting in <build>/src).

    Files and folders used by common version control system (vsc) are ignored by default (--exclude-vcs). By providing a .gpignore file in any folder additional patterns can be excluded (--exclude-ignore). Find more details on the tar manpage.

    For customizing the layout any further consider the postprocess hook.

  8. Prepare variable PACK_BASE_FILES

    Replace <list files here> with a list of files that shall be included in the pack.

    This can be used as an alternative to including whole directories. Files from subdirectories (e.g., path/to/file) are copied with same hierarchy (i.e., resulting in <build>/path/to/file).

    Files from outside the pack root (e.g., ../path/to/file) are copied without hierarchy into the build folder (i.e., resulting in <build>/file). For customizing the layout consider the postprocess hook.

  9. Prepare variable PACK_DELETE_FILES

    Replace <list files here> with a list of files to be removed again.

    This can be used to copy whole directories and remove files afterwards.

  10. Prepare variable PACK_PATCH_FILES

    Replace <list patches here> with a list of patches that shall be applied. The patch files are for use with the patch utility (see Prerequisites).

  11. Prepare variable PACKCHK_ARGS

    Add additional required command line arguments for packchk to the line PACKCHK_ARGS=().

    For example, add -x M353 to suppress this warning.

  12. Prepare variable PACKCHK_DEPS

    Replace <list pdsc files here> with additional .pdsc files required to resolve references into other packs during packchk.

    The following formats can be used:

    • Plain .pdsc file looked up via index.pidx. File will be downloaded if not already in cache. E.g., ARM.CMSIS.pdsc.

    • Path to local .pdsc file relative to enclosing E.g., ./path/to/Local.Pack.pdsc. Relative or absolute paths leaving the scripts base directory are not accepted for security reasons.

    • URL to remote .pdsc file. File will be downloaded if not already in cache. E.g.,

    Packs specified in the <requirements> section are considered automatically and do not need to be listed.

  13. Prepare variable PACK_CHANGELOG_MODE

    Replace <full|release|tag> for PACK_CHANGELOG_MODE with either of these choices. It defaults to full. This setting is only effective when generating the changelog from Git history. It affects the fallback solutions used to retrieve the changelog text from git:

    full allows fallback to GitHub release description or commit message.

    release allows fallback to GitHub release description only.

    tag forces tag annotation messages to be used without any fallback.

    If no changelog text can be retrieved pack generation is aborted.

  14. Prepare variable PACK_CHECKSUM_EXCLUDE

    Replace <list file patterns here> for PACK_CHECKSUM_EXCLUDE wit glob patterns to exclude files from the checksum file, or provide * (match all pattern) to skip checksum file creation completely.

  15. Prepare functions preprocess, postprocess

    Put custom commands to be executed before/after populating the pack build folder into the preprocess and postprocess functions. The working directory (pwd) for both functions is the base folder containing the pack description file. The first parameter of the functions ($1) points to the build folder.

    For example, if you need to customize the folder structure generated by default, add some move commands into the postprocess hook:

    # usage: postprocess <build>
    #   <build>  The build folder
    function postprocess() {
       mkdir -p $1/lib
       mv $1/src $1/lib/
       return 0


A script accepts the following command line flags and arguments:

  • -h, --help: Prints below usage message end exits with error level 1.
  • -k, --keep: Prevents the temporary build directory from being automatically deleted.
  • -c, --[no-]changelog <prefix>: Update the <releases> section in the .pdsc file with a generated history. The versions, dates and descriptions are inferred from Git tags. The <prefix> can be used to filter tags for release tags by the given string.
  • --[no-]preprocess: Run custom preprocess function if implemented.
  • --[no-]postproces: Run custom postprocess function if implemented.
  • -v, --verbose: Enable verbose log output such as full sub-commands being issues.
$ ./ -h

Usage: [-h] [-k] [-c <prefix>] [<pdsc>]

  -h, --help                      Print this usage message and exit.
  -k, --keep                      Keep build directory.
  -c, --[no-]changelog <prefix>   Generate changelog. Tags are filtered for <prefix>.
  --[no-]preprocess               Run the preprocess function if implemented in the enclosing script.
  --[no-]postproces               Run the postprocess function if implemented in the enclosing script.
  -v, --verbose                   Print verbose log output.
  <pdsc>                          The pack description to generate the pack for.


This library is made available as-is under Apache-2.0 license.