✨ New Features
- Added support for BRC-20 token display, transfer, and receiving; supports inscription destruction
- Enabled 0x RFQ functionality
- Added Quick favorite buttons overlay search results (Desktop / Browser Extension)
💎 Improvements
- Optimized rendering of the Token Management page*
- Market - Improdved tokens sorting
- Adjusted List Layout for Market (Desktop)
- Utilized React 18 createRoot API for rendering the root component (Browser Extension)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Explore - Tags Tab - UI display issue with add and delete buttons
- Fixed: Token details page price history chart initially displayed No Data and lacked loading process prompt
- Fixed: Data migration - incomplete display of imported data text on mobile
- Fixed: Lagging issue in the sending process
- Fixed: Deployment failure of contracts for hardware wallets
- Fixed: Token details page - Incomplete display when the highest or lowest point is on the far left of the line chart
- Fixed: Explore - Tags Tab window switch - Failure to scroll to the just collapsed window upon collapsing again (iOS)
- Fixed: Homepage - Sliding on Tab triggers item click event unintentionally (iOS)
- Fixed: Account verification page - No response when clicking the back button (iOS)
- Fixed: Confirming password change took a relatively long time to succeed (iOS)
- Fixed: Market: In the Watchlist, the "Add Token" button is not fully displayed (on small screen models like iPhone SE2)
- Fixed: Account page - Occasional layout abnormalities causing the collapse of various controls (Android)
- Fixed: Sliding up and down on the homepage also shifts the top part of the page, resulting in a blank area (Android)
- Fixed: Market - Occasionally encountered failures when removing tokens from the Watchlist (Desktop)
✨ 新功能
- 支持BRC-20展示和收发;支持铭文销毁
- 启用 0x RFQ 功能
- 搜索结果加入悬浮显示的快捷收藏按钮(桌面端 / 浏览器插件)
💎 改进
- 优化 Token 管理页渲染
- 优化行情代币排序
- 行情 - 列表布局调整(桌面端)
- 使用 React 18 createRoot API 来渲染根组件(浏览器插件)
🐞 问题修正
- 修复:发现 - 标签页 - 修复了添加按钮跟删除按钮 UI 显示问题
- 修复:代币详情页价格历史图表,首次加载完成前显示「暂无数据」,缺少加载过程提示
- 修复:数据迁移 - 修复了手机端导入的数据文案展示不全的问题
- 修复:发送流程卡顿问题
- 修复:硬件钱包部署合约失败
- 修复:代币详情页,最高点或最低点在图标的最左侧时,显示不完整
- 修复:发现 - 标签页切换窗口-再次收起时没滚动显示到刚收起的窗口(iOS)
- 修复:首页滑动Tab会误触发Item点击事件(iOS)
- 修复:删除账户验证页面页面,点击返回无反应。(iOS)
- 修复:修改密码进行确认需加载比较长的时间才可成功的问题(iOS)
- 修复:行情 - 观察列表中,添加代币按钮显示不完整(在类似iPhone SE2小屏幕设备上发生)
- 修复:账户页,页面布局偶现布局异常,各控件出现折叠(安卓)
- 修复:在首页上下滑动-页面最上方部分也进行了上下滑动-出现空白区域(安卓)
- 修复:行情 - 观察列表移除收藏时偶尔会出现失败 (桌面端)
Full Changelog: v4.11.0...v4.12.0