Text based action adventure game build on PHP and Symfony components. This is a work in progress and is part of the end of the year 2014 SDPHP studygroup programming project.
- Download/Clone the project
- Change directory to the project root:
cd php-micrork
- Download Composer
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
- Install Dependencies
php composer.phar install
##Start the game Just type the following command
> php app/game run [character name]
- Update Game Mechanics
- Create an YAML config loader
- Create an XML config loader (optional)
- Update game to load additional rooms/worlds
- Add persistent storage to save game state (optional)
- Use DI container to setup game based on parameters.yml file.
- Update Gameplay
- Add world objectives
- Add enemies
- Add hero stats
- Add a fight system
- Add an interaction system
- Give an end to the game
- Update Configuration
- Extend the story
- Create user configuration
- Create NPC configuration
- Create item configuration
##Resources ####ZORK Text: http://i7-dungeon.sourceforge.net/source.txt
####ZORK Emulator: http://thcnet.net/zork/index.php
####Text based game configuration