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esr360 edited this page Nov 15, 2019 · 5 revisions


This mixin allows you to extend multiple modifiers into a new, seperate modifer, essentially combining several modifiers into one.

  • Must be used within a Module mixin
@include extend($modifiers, $parent, $core);
@include module('button') {

  @include modifier('round') { 
    border-radius: 6px 

  @include modifier('large') { 
    font-size: 2em 

  @include modifier('success') {
    color: green

  @include modifier('primary') {
    @include extend(('round', 'large', 'success'))
<div class="button--primary">...</div>
.button, [class*="button--"] {
[class*="button--"][class*="--primary"] {
  border-radius: 6px;
[class*="button--"][class*="--primary"] {
  font-size: 2em;
[class*="button--"][class*="--primary"] {
  color: green;



Type String | List
Description The modifier(s) which you wish to combine
Default null


See the Cross-Module Support section for more information about this parameter's use-case

Type String
Description [optional] The target parent module if not the current one
Default null


See the Cross-Module Support section for more information about this parameter's use-case

Type Boolean
Description [optional] Extend the core .module styles as well?
Default false

Cross-Module Support

It is possible to extend just the modifiers of one module into another module, as well as extend an entire module (including its core styles) into another module.

@include module('list') {

  @include modifier('reset') {
    list-style: none;
    margin-left: 0;

@include module('tabs') {

  @include component('nav') {
    @include extend($parent: 'list', $modifiers: 'reset');
.list, [class*='list--'] {

.tabs__nav, [class*='tabs__nav--'] {
  list-style: none;
  margin-left: 0;

.tabs, [class*='tabs--'] {

This only extends the list's modifier; in order to extend the core styles as well, the $core paramater should be passed as true:

@include module('tabs') {
  @include component('nav') {
    @include extend($parent: 'list', $modifiers: 'reset', $core: true);
.list, .tabs__nav,
[class*='tabs__nav--'], [class*='list--'] {

.tabs__nav, [class*='tabs__nav--'] {
  list-style: none;
  margin-left: 0;

.tabs, [class*='tabs--'] {
_module Alias

For usages like the above, an alias mixin of _module() is available. This is to provide a more semantic way of achieving the above task, allowing you to pass the $parents parameter, which is normally the second parameter, as the first, and also has a default $core value of true:

@include module('tabs') {
  @include component('nav') {
    @include _module('list', 'reset');
Pass Multiple Modifiers
@include module('button') {
  @include modifier('round') {
    border-radius: 4px;
  @include modifier('danger') {
    background: red;

@include module('modal') {
  @include component('action') {
    @include modifier('close') {
      @include _module('button', ('round', 'danger'));
[class*="modal__action-"][class*="--close"] {
  border-radius: 4px;

[class*="modal__action-"][class*="--close"] {
  background: red;

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