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ButtonP Class Variables

Alex Ricciardi edited this page Feb 5, 2023 · 3 revisions

Note: The variables for this class are public.

//---- Font 
    Font font = GetFontDefault(); // Raylib default font
    float fontSize = 32,
          fontSpacing = 2.0f;
    Color fontColor = RAYWHITE;
    bool isRayFont = true;
    //---- Text
    string text = "Button";
    Vector2 textSize = MeasureTextEx(font, text.c_str(), fontSize, fontSpacing),
            oneCharSize = MeasureTextEx(font, "C", fontSize, fontSpacing);

    //--- Button position, size, color
        The button size is computed from the font size and length of the text
        See mutators to modify the button’s position,
        the text’s position in the button, and the button’s size.
    bool txtResizeBtn = true;
    float btnWidth = (textSize.x + 3.5f * oneCharSize.x),
          btnHeight = textSize.y * (float)(2.0f * (textSize.y / fontSize));
    Vector2 btnPos = { 750, 100 };
    Rectangle rect{ btnPos.x, btnPos.y, btnWidth, btnHeight },
              originalRect = rect;
    //--- Centers text in button
    Vector2 textPos =
        rect.x + (rect.width - textSize.x) / 2,
        rect.y + (rect.height - textSize.y) / 2
    // Text position and size
    Rectangle rectText{ textPos.x, textPos.y, textSize.x, textSize.y },
              originalRectText = rectText;

    //---- Button state
    // Button and text image Shading Colors
    Color btnHoverColor = GRAY,
          btnPressedColor = DARKGRAY;
    //---- Button Image
    string imgPath; // Image path in secondary memory
    Image img;                                    
    // Button textures
    Texture2D btnIdle = LoadTextureFromImage(img);  // Image converted to texture, uploaded to GPU memory (VRAM)
    Texture2D btnHover = btnIdle;
    Texture2D btnPressed = btnIdle;
    Texture2D *btnLive = &btnIdle;
    //---- Text Image
    Image textImg;
    Texture2D textIdle = LoadTextureFromImage(textImg);
    Texture2D textHover = textIdle;
    Texture2D textPressed = textIdle;
    Texture2D *textLive = &textIdle;

    // window
    int windowWidth = GetScreenWidth();
    int windowHeight = GetScreenHeight();
    Vector2 windowScale = { (float)GetScreenWidth() / windowWidth, (float)GetScreenHeight() / windowHeight };