- Assumptions:
- There is a user called "doe" on host "mybox" running Linux OS
- The home directory is
- The user "doe" has a data directory called /home/doe/data that contains three (3) collections of mission imagery files:
- Download and unzip this juneberry directory
$ unzip juneberry-master.zip
- Set up an Apache Tomcat servlet directory
- Copy "crossdomain.xml"
- Download and unzip the juneberry-lib directory from https://github.com/OmegaKit/juneberry-lib
- Go into the juneberry directory and enter the
ant war
command. This will automatically run the build.xml file. We need this war file to run on Apache tomcat.$ cd /home/doe/juneberry-master/
$ ant war
- Decide on a port that Tomcat should be listening to, e.g., 8080, then unpack apache-tomcat-7.0.41.tar.gz to its own location:
$ mkdir -p /home/doe/host/mybox/8080
$ cd /home/doe/host/mybox/8080
$ tar zxvf /home/doe/host/mybox/pkg/apache-tomcat-7.0.41.tar.gz
- Add a 'Juneberry' directory to the 'webapps' folder that exists within the newer apache-server-folder
$ cd ./apache-tomcat-7.0.41/webapps
$ mkdir ./juneberry
- Uncompress the war file into the newly created juneberry folder
$ cd ./juneberry
$ jar xvf /home/doe/juneberry-master/build/juneberry-0.10.0r1.war
- Go to the top of our Tomcat server dir and open the server.xml file so that we may configure it.
$ cd /home/doe/host/mybox/8080/apache-tomcat-7.0.41/
$ vim ./conf/server.xml
- Do these steps:
- Inside the
element for localhost, add<Context path="/juneberry" allowLinking="true" privileged="true"/>
- In the same area, change the
element to<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs" prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".txt" pattern="combined" resolveHosts="false"/>
- This provides nice logging in the style of apache httpd
- Inside the
- Now that we configured server.xml, now we need to configure tomcat-users.xml
$ vim ./conf/tomcat-users.xml
- Inside
element, add<role rolename="demo"/> <user username="demo" password="demo" roles="demo"/>
- This is to set up a demo user for testing purpose only
- It uses Tomcat's MemoryRealm, a simple demonstration implementation of the Tomcat 6 Realm interface.
- Warning: in a production system, other types of realms must be used.
- Copy Apache http icons to Tomcat's ROOT webapp
$ cd ./webapps/ROOT
$ cp -avi /var/www/icons .
- This is to provide icons for juneberry web GUI
Copy crossdomain.xml from home folder into our apache-server-folders webapps/ROOT
$ cp -avi /home/doe/host/mybox/pkg/crossdomain.xml .
This is to make Cooliris happy. It is a 3rd party image wall application used by Juneberry.
- First, we need to do some configuration to the web.xml file. We need to make 2 changes.
$ cd /home/doe/host/mybox/8080/apache-tomcat-7.0.41/
$ vim ./webapps/juneberry/WEB-INF/web.xml
Change 1:
Look for both the elements
<servlet> <!-- w10n of file system directory --> ... </servlet>
and<servlet> <!-- w10n of imagery --> ... </servlet>
Change the following inside of this servlet element:
<init-param> <description> Root path of fs dir store. Default is /var/www/html. </description> <param-name>fs_dir_store_root</param-name> <param-value>/var/www/html</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <description> Comma-separated names for entries under fs_dir_store_root that are to be soft-linked. Ignored if w10n_of_fs_dir_not_by_cgi_servlet is true. Default is "". </description> <param-name>entry_list</param-name> <param-value></param-value> </init-param>
<init-param> <description> Root path of fs dir store. Default is /var/www/html. </description> <param-name>fs_dir_store_root</param-name> <param-value>/home/doe/data</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <description> Comma-separated names for entries under fs_dir_store_root that are to be soft-linked. Ignored if w10n_of_fs_dir_not_by_cgi_servlet is true. Default is "". </description> <param-name>entry_list</param-name> <param-value>set0, set1, set2</param-value> </init-param>
Change 2: In the same file
Add the following:
<filter> <filter-name>CorsFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>org.apache.catalina.filters.CorsFilter</filter-class> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>CorsFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping>
This enables CORS
- First, we need to do some configuration to the web.xml file. We need to make 2 changes.
Now change the port if needed (i.e. if you want something besides 8080)
Go into /apache-tomcat-7.0.41/conf/server.xml
$ vim ./conf/server.xml
- Find the element
<Service name="Catalina">
- Inside of this element, find the element
and change the port to the number you would like <Connector port="3333"...