- #79, #87, #99, #119, #157, #176, #202, weight calculation during editing PR #206, thx al lot for your work @TiziG
- #107, #215 database-settings in the log will only be shown, if sql-logging is enabled
- #170 inform user about switching a spool already selected
- #213 sort/filter options in spool selection dialog
- Extrusion-Debugging: Show current extrusion during printing (activation via plugin-settings)
- Release-Channels: Details see https://github.com/OllisGit/OctoPrint-SpoolManager#setup
!!!If you use the development-channel you can use the latest feature and can improve the quality of the plugin!!! - stale-bot via github-actions
- #106 switching from travis to github-actions
- #188 touchUI conflict
- #193, #196 sorting/showing of remaining weight
- #205 changed to "browser-native" date/time picker
- #210 loadCatalogColors when color name is blank
- #211 button text changed
- #212 import CSV only if printer in idle-mode
- #216 FilamentManager and SpoolManager used same viewmodel
- #217 when print is paused the extruded filament is assigned to the spool and the counter is reseted
Support my Efforts
This plugin, as well as my other plugins were developed in my spare time.
If you like it, I would be thankful about a cup of coffee :)
Full Changelog: 1.5.0...1.6.0