This repo contains a PoC of using Reinforcement Learning to solve Double Dummy Bridge Problem.
- python 3.7+
- poetry
mkdir -p results
# If want to learn on clean network. Leave untached if you want tu update network.
mv src/q_models_data/deep_q_learn.h5 src/q_models_data/deep_q_learn.h5.old
poetry shell
PYTHONPATH=. python src/
mkdir -p results/validate
PYTHONPATH=. python src/
This is developer purpose script, so if sth does not meet your expectations - feel free to modify in code. Currently it takes a list of validation directories as an input and draws 3 charts:
- progress on learning invalid moves (from directory 1)
- comparison of invalid rules from all directories
- comparison of tricks won from all directories
Use example:
python results_dry_run/validate results_rules/validate/ results_both_q_and_rules/validate