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RISC-V Simulator


This is an implementation of the RISC-V simulator, finished as a term project for COMP 554 at Rice University. The RISC-V Instruction Manual is located at:

RISC-V is a new instruction set architecture (ISA) that was originally designed to support computer architecture research and education, but which also has the potential to become a standard free and open architecture for industry implementations. As the RISC-V had become more and more popular, in this project, we simulated a CPU under RISC-V architecture which could process the binary instructions from RISC-V Instruction set. Also, we implemented a translator to translate RISC-V assembly codes to binary instructions. Thus, in simulation, people could also directly feed our simulator with RISC-V assembly codes whose writing mannual could be viewed in the Details about Implemented Instructions.

The tutorial of this project is presented in the Tutorial, including the installation and the usage of RISC-V Simulator.

How Does it Work

Instruction Feeding

This project provides a simple RISC-V assembly translator which compiles assembly code to binary codes, then, the simulated CPU can process the binary instructions according to RISC-V ISA. Here, we presented an example to illustrate how to feed our CPU with instructions. First of all, we gave the pseudo-code of the program that will be fed to CPU:

a = 0;
b = 20; 
a = a + 1;
if a < b, branching back to a = a + 1;
store a to memory[0x00000000];
load memory[0x00000000] to c;

Basically, what we wrote was a loop in which we increased the value of variable a until it was greater or equal than the value of b. After the loop, we simply saved the value of a to the memory at address of 0x00000000 and loaded this value to another variable named as c.

According to the pseudo-code, we gave the RISC-V assembly code in assem.txt as below:

addi x5, x0, 0
addi x6, x6, 20
addi x5, x5, 1
blt  x5, x6, -4
sw   x5, 0(x0)
lw   x7, 0(x0)

Then, by typing ./risc-translate assem.txt exe.txt on command line terminal, the RISC-V assembly code will be translated to binary strings in the exe.txt.

We also gave the codes in exe.txt as below:


Then, we used a program, main.cpp in this project, to read the binary-like instructions into instruction memory.

To be noticed, this project provided ./risc-simulator -a assem.txt to feed the CPU directly with RISC-V assembly codes, and our project also supported feeding the CPU with binary strings with ./risc-simulator exe.txt, and the details about instruction feeding could be found in main.cpp.

Instruction Processing

After the 0-1 strings from the text file was loaded into the program as binary instructions, our simulated CPU would start to process these instructions.

First of all, our CPU would use its PC register to fetch instructions from the instruction memory, and we used method called get_pc_val()in cpu class to implement this function of our CPU.

Then, we decoded the fetched instructions according to RISC-V specification. For instance, the CPU would parse the bits from 0 to 7 as opcode to figure out the type of the instruction. Once the type of the operation was determined, the CPU could further decode other components in the instruction, such as immediate number, destination register, and etc.

As the instruction had been decoded, the CPU will start to calculate, i.e., execute the instruction. To be noticed, in our implementation of CPU, we also simulated the ALU by alu class. Therefore, you could see that when our CPU executed instructions, it would transmit binary sequences to ALU to finish the calculation, i.e., in our code, cpu instance would call methods from alu class to do the calculation.

After that, for L-Type and S-Type instructions, CPU will visit the memory to load or save data. In our code, we used the mem class to simulate the memory in a computer, and the CPU could call the get and save methods in mem class to load or save data. Moreover, for J-Type and B-Type instructions, the value in the PC register would be modified by the executing results, thereby the jumping and branching instructions could be realized. For instructions of other types, after finishing processing an instruction, the value of PC register would automatically plus 4.

Status Monitoring

We provided print() method for CPU to print out the status of each register in the CPU. Here is an example for the printed register status after our simulated CPU processed the instructions from the assem.txt.

== The state of the CPU ==
x0  : 0
x1  : 0
x2  : 0
x3  : 0
x4  : 0
x5  : 20
x6  : 20
x7  : 20
x8  : 0


x31 : 0
PC has value : 0xb00000000000000000000000000011000

For memory status monitoring, we provided the mem_peep() method in cpu class. It would consume the memory address as input and return the value at that address as output.

Details about Implemented Instructions

In this project, we mainly focused on RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, and we used a table to specify the features in RV32I instruction set with their implementing status as below:

Symbol Format Description STATUS
LUI LUI rd,imm Load Upper Immediate Miss
AUIPC AUIPC rd,offset Add Upper Immediate to PC Miss
JAL JAL rd,offset Jump and Link Implemented
JALR JALR rd,rs1,offset Jump and Link Register Implemented
BEQ BEQ rs1,rs2,offset Branch Equal Implemented
BNE BNE rs1,rs2,offset Branch Not Equal Implemented
BLT BLT rs1,rs2,offset Branch Less Than Implemented
BGE BGE rs1,rs2,offset Branch Greater than Equal Implemented
BLTU BLTU rs1,rs2,offset Branch Less Than Unsigned Implemented
BGEU BGEU rs1,rs2,offset Branch Greater than Equal Unsigned Implemented
LB LB rd,offset(rs1) Load Byte Implemented
LH LH rd,offset(rs1) Load Half Implemented
LW LW rd,offset(rs1) Load Word Implemented
LBU LBU rd,offset(rs1) Load Byte Unsigned Implemented
LHU LHU rd,offset(rs1) Load Half Unsigned Implemented
SB SB rs2,offset(rs1) Store Byte Implemented
SH SH rs2,offset(rs1) Store Half Implemented
SW SW rs2,offset(rs1) Store Word Implemented
ADDI ADDI rd,rs1,imm Add Immediate Implemented
SLTI SLTI rd,rs1,imm Set Less Than Immediate Implemented
SLTIU SLTIU rd,rs1,imm Set Less Than Immediate Unsigned Implemented
XORI XORI rd,rs1,imm Xor Immediate Implemented
ORI ORI rd,rs1,imm Or Immediate Implemented
ANDI ANDI rd,rs1,imm And Immediate Implemented
SLLI SLLI rd,rs1,imm Shift Left Logical Immediate Implemented
SRLI SRLI rd,rs1,imm Shift Right Logical Immediate Implemented
SRAI SRAI rd,rs1,imm Shift Right Arithmetic Immediate Implemented
ADD ADD rd,rs1,rs2 Add Implemented
SUB SUB rd,rs1,rs2 Subtract Implemented
SLL SLL rd,rs1,rs2 Shift Left Logical Implemented
SLT SLT rd,rs1,rs2 Set Less Than Implemented
SLTU SLTU rd,rs1,rs2 Set Less Than Unsigned Implemented
XOR XOR rd,rs1,rs2 Xor Implemented
SRL SRL rd,rs1,rs2 Shift Right Logical Implemented
SRA SRA rd,rs1,rs2 Shift Right Arithmetic Implemented
OR OR rd,rs1,rs2 Or Implemented
AND AND rd,rs1,rs2 And Implemented
FENCE FENCE pred,succ Fence Miss
FENCE.I FENCE.I Fence Instruction Miss


Environment Configuration:

We wrote this project in C++, and the compiling is handled by CMake. The required version of CMake is 3.10+, because it used the Google Test feature to specify the tests. The only dependency of the project is google test framework. You can find details about Google Test in

However, if you are not familiar with C++, here is the tutorial about how to configure the environment of this project from scratch.

  1. Install the CMake.

  2. Install the GTest.

    ​ Windows:

    ​ Linux:

    ​ Mac:

  3. Also, we highly recommend you to use the IDE for C++ called Clion, which can be found in It provides free trials for educational usage.

Directory Structure

Here, the directories in this project were printed in a tree structure.

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── assem.txt
├── main.cpp
├── translator
│   ├── translator.cpp
│   ├── translator.h
│   └── trans_main.h
├── cpu
│   ├── alu.cpp
│   ├── alu.h
│   ├── cpu.cpp
│   ├── cpu.h
│   ├── reg.cpp
│   └── reg.h
├── mem
│   ├── mem.cpp
│   └── mem.h
└── test
    ├── test-alu.cpp
    └── test-cpu.cpp

The CMakeLists.txt contains instructions for CMake compiler.

The assem.txt file contains the RISC-V assembly code we want to run on our simulated CPU. We wrote a simple example in this file.

The main.cpp file contains code for starting the simulation.

The translator directory contains the code of the assembly translator.

The cpu directory contains the code of the CPU.

The mem directory contains the code of the Memory.

The test directory contains the tests we wrote for our simulator, and you get some insight about how the whole simulator works by checking the code in test-cpu.cpp.


  1. By command line:

    git clone
    cd riscv-simulator
    cmake .

    After that, you shall find three executable files named as TestAll, risc-translator and risc-simulator. TestAll is used to test whether the CPU is correctly functioning. risc-translator is leveraged to translate assembly codes to binary instructions. risc-simulator is used to process the instructions and simulate the CPU.

  2. By Clion:

    Download our project from Github. Start Clion, import this project. That's it!

Run the Code

First of all, let us do the testing.

  1. By command line:

  2. By Clion:

    Select the target to be TestAll and then click the green run button.

You shall see something like:

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 18 tests from 2 test cases ran. (1 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 18 tests.

Then, let us run risc-simulator.

  1. By command line:

    The usage can be viewed as below:

    Usage:     risc-simulator [-a] [-p]   CODE_FILE
    [-h|--help] - show usage of risc-simulator
    [-a]        - process the assembly code
    [-p]        - print CPU status after each instruction
    CODE_FILE   - path of the assembly|binary code file

    Here is an example we run assembly codes in assem.txt in PrintAll mode:

    ./risc-simulator -ap assem.txt

    You can also find the usage by putting ./risc-simulator -h into your command line terminals.

  2. By Clion:

    Select the target to be risc-simulator, edit the configuration of risc-simulator to add program arguments like -h, CODE_FILE, -p CODE_FILE or etc., and then click the green run button.

Then, you shall get a similar final CPU status like the printed status in the session of How Does it Work if you use our assem.txt.

Enjoy Yourself

If everything goes smoothly, it is the time to test your own instruction codes!

By the way, if you want to see the memory status, you can use the method from cpu class called mem_peep(). It takes the address of the memory as the argument. Here is an example:

// create a new cpu
cpu *instance = new cpu(code_region, num);
// let cpu process the instructions
instance -> run();
// peep the value in memory at address 0x00000001
instance -> mem_peep(0x00000001);

Have fun with this toy simulator!


simulator for riscv instruction set






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