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Added script to enforce system team permissions
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BobJWalker committed Dec 17, 2021
1 parent 8e28fa4 commit d1fe8a9
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Showing 4 changed files with 226 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@

function Invoke-OctopusApi

if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SpaceId))
$url = "$OctopusUrl/api/$EndPoint"
$url = "$OctopusUrl/api/$spaceId/$EndPoint"

if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($method))
$method = "GET"

if ($null -eq $item)
Write-Verbose "No data to post or put, calling bog standard invoke-restmethod for $url"
return Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Uri $url -Headers @{"X-Octopus-ApiKey" = "$ApiKey" } -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8' -TimeoutSec 60

$body = $item | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
Write-Verbose $body

Write-Verbose "Invoking $method $url"
return Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Uri $url -Headers @{"X-Octopus-ApiKey" = "$ApiKey" } -Body $body -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8' -TimeoutSec 60
Write-Host "There was an error making a $method call to $url. All request information (JSON body specifically) are logged as verbose. Please check that for more information." -ForegroundColor Red

if ($null -ne $_.Exception.Response)
if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq 401)
Write-Host "Unauthorized error returned from $url, please verify API key and try again" -ForegroundColor Red
elseif ($_.ErrorDetails.Message)
Write-Host -Message "Error calling $url StatusCode: $($_.Exception.Response) $($_.ErrorDetails.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host $_.Exception -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host $_.Exception -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host $_.Exception -ForegroundColor Red

Exit 1

$rolesAllowedSplit = @($RolesAllowedCsv -split ",")

$roleList = Invoke-OctopusApi -OctopusUrl $octopusUrl -endPoint "userroles/all" -spaceId $null -apiKey $OctopusApiKey -item $null -method "GET"
$rolesAllowedList = @()

foreach ($role in $roleList)
foreach ($roleName in $rolesAllowedSplit)
Write-Verbose "Comparing $($role.Name) with $roleName"
if ($role.Name.ToLower().Trim() -eq $roleName.ToLower().Trim())
Write-Verbose "The roles match, adding to allowed list"
$rolesAllowedList += $role

$teamList = Invoke-OctopusApi -OctopusUrl $octopusUrl -endPoint "teams?partialName=$([uri]::EscapeDataString($teamName))&includeSystem=true&skip=0&take=1000" -spaceId $null -apiKey $OctopusApiKey -item $null -method "GET"
$teamToUpdate = $null

foreach ($team in $teamList.Items)
Write-Verbose "Comparing $($team.Name) with $teamName"
if ($team.Name.ToLower().Trim() -eq $teamName.ToLower().Trim())
Write-Verbose "The team names match"
$teamToUpdate = $team

$teamScopedUserRoles = Invoke-OctopusApi -OctopusUrl $octopusUrl -endPoint "teams/$($teamToUpdate.Id)/scopeduserroles?skip=0&take=1000" -spaceId $null -apiKey $OctopusApiKey -item $null -method "GET"

$spaceIdList = @()
foreach ($userRole in $teamScopedUserRoles.Items)
if ($spaceIdList -notcontains $userRole.SpaceId)
Write-Verbose "Adding the space $($userRole.SpaceId) to the space list"
$spaceIdList += $userRole.SpaceId

$spacesList = Invoke-OctopusApi -OctopusUrl $octopusUrl -endPoint "spaces?skip=0&take=1000" -spaceId $null -apiKey $OctopusApiKey -item $null -method "GET"
foreach ($space in $spacesList.Items)
Write-Verbose "Checking to see if $($space.Id) is already in the list"
if ($spaceIdList -notcontains $space.Id)
Write-Verbose "Adding the space $($space.SpaceId) to the space list"
$spaceIdList += $space.Id

foreach ($spaceId in $spaceIdList)
Write-Verbose "Getting a list of all the matching assigned roles for $spaceId for this team"
$matchingSpaceUserRoleList = @($teamScopedUserRoles.Items | Where-Object {$_.SpaceId -eq $spaceId})

foreach ($roleAllowed in $rolesAllowedList)
$found = $false
foreach ($matchingSpaceUserRole in $matchingSpaceUserRoleList)
if ($matchingSpaceUserRole.UserRoleId -eq $roleAllowed.Id)
Write-Host "User role $($roleAllowed.Name) has been assigned to $teamName for $spaceId. Checking if it is scoped to anything."
$found = $true
$update = $false

if ($matchingSpaceUserRole.ProjectIds.Count -gt 0)
Write-Host "Project scoping found, removing it."
$update = $true
$matchingSpaceUserRole.ProjectIds = @()

if ($matchingSpaceUserRole.EnvironmentIds.Count -gt 0)
Write-Host "Environment scoping found, removing it."
$update = $true
$matchingSpaceUserRole.EnvironmentIds = @()

if ($matchingSpaceUserRole.TenantIds.Count -gt 0)
Write-Host "Tenant scoping found, removing it."
$update = $true
$matchingSpaceUserRole.TenantIds = @()

if ($matchingSpaceUserRole.ProjectGroupIds.Count -gt 0)
Write-Host "Project Group scoping found, removing it."
$update = $true
$matchingSpaceUserRole.ProjectGroupIds = @()

if ($update -eq $true)
Invoke-OctopusApi -OctopusUrl $octopusUrl -endPoint "scopeduserroles/$($matchingSpaceUserRole.Id)" -spaceId $null -apiKey $OctopusApiKey -item $matchingSpaceUserRole -method "PUT"


if ($found -eq $false)
$scopedUserRoleToAdd = @{
UserRoleId = $roleAllowed.Id
TeamId = $teamToUpdate.Id
ProjectIds = @()
EnvironmentIds = @()
TenantIds = @()
ProjectGroupIds = @()
SpaceId = $spaceId

Invoke-OctopusApi -OctopusUrl $octopusUrl -endPoint "scopeduserroles" -spaceId $null -apiKey $OctopusApiKey -item $scopedUserRoleToAdd -method "POST"

Write-Verbose "Now that we've verified all the roles that need to be assigned are there, let's make sure there are no additional roles."
foreach ($matchingUserRole in $matchingSpaceUserRoleList)
Write-Verbose "Making sure $($matchingUserRole.UserRoleId) for $($matchingUserRole.Id) is in the role allowed list."
$allowedRole = $false
foreach ($roleAllowed in $rolesAllowedList)
Write-Verbose "Checking to see $($matchingUserRole.UserRoleId) matches $($roleAllowed.Id)."
if ($matchingUserRole.UserRoleId -eq $roleAllowed.Id)
Write-Verbose "The roles match, this role is therefore allowed, moving onto the next role."
$allowedRole = $true

if ($allowedRole -eq $false)
Write-Host "Removing scoped user role $($matchingUserRole.Id) because it is assigned to $($matchingUserRole.UserRoleId)."
Invoke-OctopusApi -OctopusUrl $octopusUrl -endPoint "scopeduserroles/$($matchingUserRole.Id)" -spaceId $null -apiKey $OctopusApiKey -item $null -method "DELETE"

Write-Host "Finished verifying permissions for $teamName"
File renamed without changes.

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