try add newline #159
GitHub Actions / Go Tests
Aug 21, 2024 in 0s
186 passed, 2 failed and 12 skipped
❌ junit-test-summary.xml
200 tests were completed in 966s with 186 passed, 2 failed and 12 skipped.
✅ TestAccDataSourceWorkerPools
✅ TestAzureServiceFabricTargetResource
✅ TestWorkerPoolResource
✅ TestTokenAccountBasic
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployWindowsServiceFeature
✅ TestAccDataSourceProjects
✅ TestAccDataSourceSpaces
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployCertificateBasic
✅ TestGcpAccountResource
✅ TestAccRunScriptAction
✅ TestAccDataSourceAccounts
✅ TestAccDataSourceUsers
✅ TestAzureSubscriptionAccountResource
✅ TestK8sTargetWithCertResource
✅ TestUsersAndTeams
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployDeployKubernetesSecretAction
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployAzureServicePrincipalAccountBasic
✅ TestTerraformApplyStepWithWorkerPool
✅ TestPollingSubscriptionIdResource
✅ TestProjectTriggerResource
✅ TestAwsAccountExport
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployAzureSubscriptionAccountBasic
✅ TestAzureWebAppTargetResource
✅ TestProjectChannelResource
✅ TestCloudRegionTargetResource
✅ TestTokenAccountResource
⚪ TestAccAWSOIDCAccountBasic
⚪ TestAccOctopusDeployAzureOpenIDConnectAccountBasic
⚪ TestAccOctopusDeployChannelWithOneRule
⚪ TestAccOctopusDeployChannelWithOneRuleWithUpdate
⚪ TestAccOctopusDeployChannelWithTwoRules
⚪ TestAccOctopusDeployDeploymentProcessWithActionTemplate
⚪ TestAccOctopusDeployDynamicWorkerPoolBasic
⚪ TestAccListeningTentacleDeploymentTarget
⚪ TestAccScopedUserRole
⚪ TestAccTeamUserRole
✅ TestProvider
✅ TestProvider_impl
✅ TestAzureCloudServiceTargetResource
✅ TestK8sTargetResource
✅ TestSshAccountResource
✅ TestExpandRunScriptAction
✅ TestExpandDeploymentActionContainer
✅ TestExpandDeploymentActionPackage
✅ TestFlattenDeploymentActionPackage
✅ TestExpandDeploymentActionSlugPackages_NilExpandsToNil
✅ TestExpandDeploymentActionSlugPackages_EmptyExpandsToEmpty
✅ TestExpandDeploymentActionSlugPackages_ArrayExpandsCorrectly
✅ TestExpandDeploymentActionSlugPrimaryPackages_NilExpandsToNil
✅ TestExpandDeploymentActionSlugPrimaryPackages_EmptyExpandsToEmpty
✅ TestExpandDeploymentActionSlugPrimaryPackages_ArrayExpandsCorrectly
✅ TestFlattenDeploymentActionSlugPackages_NilFlattensToNil
✅ TestFlattenDeploymentActionSlugPackages_EmptyFlattensToNil
✅ TestFlattenDeploymentActionSlugPackages_IgnoresPrimaryPackages_NoPackagesAfterFlattening
✅ TestFlattenDeploymentActionSlugPackages_IgnoresPrimaryPackages_ArrayFlattensCorrectly
✅ TestFlattenDeploymentActionSlugPrimaryPackages_NilFlattensToNil
✅ TestFlattenDeploymentActionSlugPrimaryPackages_EmptyFlattensToNil
✅ TestFlattenDeploymentActionSlugPrimaryPackages_IgnoresPackages_NoPrimaryPackagesAfterFlattening
✅ TestFlattenDeploymentActionSlugPrimaryPackages_IgnoresPackages_ArrayFlattensCorrectly
✅ TestExpandDeploymentAction
✅ TestFlattenDeploymentAction
✅ TestGetSliceFromTerraformTypeList
✅ TestSpaceResource
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployStaticWorkerPoolBasic
✅ TestAccUserRolePermissions
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployApplyTerraformAction
✅ TestPackageFeedCreateReleaseTriggerResources
✅ TestAccGcpAccountBasic
✅ TestAccKubernetesClusterDeploymentTargetAws
✅ TestKubernetesDeploymentTargetData
✅ TestKubernetesDeploymentTargetResource
✅ TestSSHKeyBasic
✅ TestAccTeamBasic
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployChannelBasicWithUpdate
✅ TestAccCloudRegionDeploymentTargetImportBasic
✅ TestMachinePolicyResource
✅ TestAccSpaceImportBasic
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployManualInterventionAction
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployRunKubectlScriptAction
✅ TestAccKubernetesClusterDeploymentTargetBasic
✅ TestAccKubernetesClusterDeploymentTargetGcp
✅ TestListeningTargetResource
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployDeployWindowsServiceAction
❌ TestK8sPodAuthTargetResource
=== RUN TestK8sPodAuthTargetResource
✅ TestAccDataSourceChannels
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployDeploymentProcessWithImpliedPrimaryPackage
✅ TestKubernetesAgentWorkerResource
✅ TestAccCloudRegionDeploymentTargetBasic
✅ TestDeploymentProcessWithGitDependency
✅ TestPollingTargetResource
✅ TestAccDataSourceSpaces
✅ TestAccAWSAccountBasic
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployAzureWebAppDeploymentTargetBasic
✅ TestAccProjectGroup
✅ TestAccSpaceBasic
✅ TestAccUserRoleBasic
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployChannelBasic
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployDeploymentProcessBasic
✅ TestOfflineDropTargetResource
✅ TestSshTargetResource
✅ TestAccUserImportBasic
✅ TestAzureAccountResource
✅ TestCertificateResource
✅ TestProjectScheduledTriggerResources
✅ TestAccUserBasic
✅ TestAccDataSourceLifecycles
✅ TestNugetFeedResource
✅ TestVariableResource
✅ TestAccDataSourceFeeds
✅ TestAccDataSourceSpaces
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployHelmFeed
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployMavenFeed
✅ TestProjectWithGitUsernameExport
✅ TestTenantProjectResource_UpgradeFromSDK_ToPluginFramework
✅ TestGitHubFeed_UpgradeFromSDK_ToPluginFramework
✅ TestAccProjectBasic
✅ TestScriptModuleResource
✅ TestMavenResource_UpgradeFromSDK_ToPluginFramework
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployArtifactoryGenericFeed
✅ TestHelmFeedResource
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployNuGetFeedBasic
✅ TestTagSetAndTag
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployDockerContainerRegistry
✅ TestGithubFeedResource
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployLibraryVariableSetWithVariable
✅ TestTentacleCertificateResource
⚪ TestRunbookResource_UpgradeFromSDK_ToPluginFramework
⚪ TestAccOctopusDeployVariableBasic
✅ TestAccPreCheck
✅ TestNugetFeed_UpgradeFromSDK_ToPluginFramework
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployLibraryVariableSetWithUpdate
✅ TestExpandLifecycleWithNil
✅ TestExpandLifecycle
✅ TestExpandPhasesWithEmptyInput
✅ TestExpandPhasesWithNullInput
✅ TestExpandPhasesWithUnknownInput
✅ TestExpandAndFlattenPhasesWithSensibleDefaults
✅ TestExpandAndFlattenMultiplePhasesWithSensibleDefaults
✅ TestAccLifecycleBasic
✅ TestProjectInSpaceResource
✅ TestProjectTerraformPackageScriptExport
✅ TestExpandTagSet
✅ TestTenantsResource
✅ TestSpaceResource_UpgradeFromSDK_ToPluginFramework
✅ TestAccDataSourceTagSets
✅ TestLifecycleResource
✅ TestAccTenantCommonVariableBasic
✅ TestAccTenantBasic
✅ TestUsernamePasswordVariableResource
✅ TestEnvironmentResource_UpgradeFromSDK_ToPluginFramework
✅ TestVariableSetResource
✅ TestAccDataSourceScriptModules
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployLibraryVariableSetBasic
✅ TestProjectTerraformInlineScriptExport
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployScriptModuleBasic
✅ TestHelmFeedResource_UpgradeFromSDK_ToPluginFramework
✅ TestEnvironmentResource
✅ TestGitCredentialBasic
✅ TestAccTag
✅ TestAccUsernamePasswordBasic
✅ TestAccDataSourceEnvironments
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployEnvironmentMinimum
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployLibraryVariableSetComplex
✅ TestProjectGroupResource
✅ TestTagSetResource
✅ TestTenantVariablesResource
❌ TestRunbookResource
=== RUN TestRunbookResource
✅ TestArtifactoryGenericFeedResource_UpgradeFromSDK_ToPluginFramework
✅ TestAccOctopusDeployEnvironmentBasic
✅ TestGitHubRepositoryFeed
✅ TestAccLifecycleComplex
✅ TestTenantResource_UpgradeFromSDK_ToPluginFramework
✅ TestAccDataSourceSpaces
✅ TestEcrFeedResource
✅ TestMavenFeedResource
✅ TestAccProjectWithUpdate
✅ TestProjectWithScriptActions
✅ TestDockerFeedResource
✅ TestProjectWithDollarSignsExport
✅ TestAccTenantProjectVariableBasic
✅ TestUsernamePasswordAccountResource
✅ TestAccDataSourceProjectGroups
✅ TestAccDataSourceTenants
✅ TestGitCredentialsResource
✅ TestAccLifecycleWithUpdate
✅ TestProjectResource
✅ TestAccUsernamePasswordAccountImport
✅ TestExpandPromptedDisplaySettingsWithNilInput
✅ TestExpandPromptedDisplaySettingsWithEmptyInput
✅ TestExpandPromptedDisplaySettingsWithCheckbox
✅ TestExpandPromptedDisplaySettingsWithSelect
✅ TestExpandPromptedVariableSettingsWithNilInput
✅ TestExpandPromptedVariableSettingsWithEmptyInput
✅ TestExpandSelectOptionsWithNilInput
✅ TestExpandSelectOptionsWithEmptyInput
✅ TestFlattenPromptedVariableDisplaySettingsWithNilInput
✅ TestFlattenPromptedVariableSettingsWithNilInput
✅ TestFlattenSelectOptionsWithNilInput
✅ TestExpandVariableScope
✅ TestFlattenVariableScope
Check failure on line 0 in junit-test-summary.xml
github-actions / Go Tests ► TestK8sPodAuthTargetResource
Failed test found in:
=== RUN TestK8sPodAuthTargetResource
Raw output
=== RUN TestK8sPodAuthTargetResource
octopus_container_test_framework.go:861: POPULATING TEST SPACE 1fe536b34c0047579e7b
octopus_container_test_framework.go:732: Working dir: /home/runner/work/terraform-provider-octopusdeploy/terraform-provider-octopusdeploy/octopusdeploy
octopus_container_test_framework.go:680: Failed to contact Octopus API on http://localhost:32772/api
octopus_container_test_framework.go:696: Failed to contact Octopus API on http://localhost:32772/api/Spaces-1
Warning: Provider development overrides are in effect
The following provider development overrides are set in the CLI
- octopusdeploylabs/octopusdeploy in /home/runner/work/terraform-provider-octopusdeploy/terraform-provider-octopusdeploy
The behavior may therefore not match any released version of the provider and
applying changes may cause the state to become incompatible with published
octopus_container_test_framework.go:641: server: http://localhost:32772
octopus_container_test_framework.go:642: spaceId: Spaces-1
octopus_container_test_framework.go:646: terraform apply error
Error: failed to load client
with provider[""],
on line 1, in provider "octopusdeploy":
1: provider "octopusdeploy" {
cannot get endpoint http://localhost:32772/api/ from server. failure from
http client Get "http://localhost:32772/api/": dial tcp [::1]:32772: connect:
connection refused
resource_kubernetes_cluster_deployment_target_test.go:331: exit status 1
--- FAIL: TestK8sPodAuthTargetResource (600.48s)
Check failure on line 0 in junit-test-summary.xml
github-actions / Go Tests ► TestRunbookResource
Failed test found in:
=== RUN TestRunbookResource
Raw output
=== RUN TestRunbookResource
octopus_container_test_framework.go:861: POPULATING TEST SPACE f741a076ffd94a8795ff
octopus_container_test_framework.go:732: Working dir: /home/runner/work/terraform-provider-octopusdeploy/terraform-provider-octopusdeploy/octopusdeploy_framework
Warning: Provider development overrides are in effect
The following provider development overrides are set in the CLI
- octopusdeploylabs/octopusdeploy in /home/runner/work/terraform-provider-octopusdeploy/terraform-provider-octopusdeploy
The behavior may therefore not match any released version of the provider and
applying changes may cause the state to become incompatible with published
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution
plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
+ create
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# octopusdeploy_space.octopus_space_test will be created
+ resource "octopusdeploy_space" "octopus_space_test" {
+ description = "TestRunbookResource"
+ id = (known after apply)
+ is_default = false
+ is_task_queue_stopped = false
+ name = "f741a076ffd94a8795ff"
+ slug = (known after apply)
+ space_managers_team_members = (known after apply)
+ space_managers_teams = [
+ "teams-administrators",
Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Changes to Outputs:
+ octopus_space_id = (known after apply)
octopusdeploy_space.octopus_space_test: Creating...
octopusdeploy_space.octopus_space_test: Creation complete after 1s [id=Spaces-2]
Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
octopus_space_id = "Spaces-2"
Warning: Provider development overrides are in effect
The following provider development overrides are set in the CLI
- octopusdeploylabs/octopusdeploy in /home/runner/work/terraform-provider-octopusdeploy/terraform-provider-octopusdeploy
The behavior may therefore not match any released version of the provider and
applying changes may cause the state to become incompatible with published
data.octopusdeploy_lifecycles.lifecycle_default_lifecycle: Reading...
data.octopusdeploy_lifecycles.lifecycle_default_lifecycle: Read complete after 1s [id=Lifecycles 2024-08-21 04:16:12.522061185 +0000 UTC]
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution
plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
+ create
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# octopusdeploy_environment.development_environment will be created
+ resource "octopusdeploy_environment" "development_environment" {
+ allow_dynamic_infrastructure = true
+ description = "A test environment"
+ id = (known after apply)
+ name = "Development"
+ slug = (known after apply)
+ sort_order = 0
+ space_id = (known after apply)
+ use_guided_failure = false
# octopusdeploy_environment.production_environment will be created
+ resource "octopusdeploy_environment" "production_environment" {
+ allow_dynamic_infrastructure = true
+ description = "A test environment"
+ id = (known after apply)
+ name = "Production"
+ slug = (known after apply)
+ sort_order = 2
+ space_id = (known after apply)
+ use_guided_failure = false
# octopusdeploy_environment.test_environment will be created
+ resource "octopusdeploy_environment" "test_environment" {
+ allow_dynamic_infrastructure = true
+ description = "A test environment"
+ id = (known after apply)
+ name = "Test"
+ slug = (known after apply)
+ sort_order = 1
+ space_id = (known after apply)
+ use_guided_failure = false
# octopusdeploy_project.deploy_frontend_project will be created
+ resource "octopusdeploy_project" "deploy_frontend_project" {
+ auto_create_release = false
+ default_guided_failure_mode = "EnvironmentDefault"
+ default_to_skip_if_already_installed = false
+ deployment_changes_template = (known after apply)
+ deployment_process_id = (known after apply)
+ description = "Test project"
+ discrete_channel_release = false
+ id = (known after apply)
+ included_library_variable_sets = []
+ is_disabled = false
+ is_discrete_channel_release = false
+ is_version_controlled = false
+ lifecycle_id = "Lifecycles-3"
+ name = "Test"
+ project_group_id = (known after apply)
+ release_notes_template = (known after apply)
+ slug = (known after apply)
+ space_id = "Spaces-2"
+ tenanted_deployment_participation = "Untenanted"
+ variable_set_id = (known after apply)
+ connectivity_policy {
+ allow_deployments_to_no_targets = false
+ exclude_unhealthy_targets = false
+ skip_machine_behavior = "SkipUnavailableMachines"
+ target_roles = (known after apply)
+ versioning_strategy {
+ template = "#{Octopus.Version.LastMajor}.#{Octopus.Version.LastMinor}.#{Octopus.Version.LastPatch}.#{Octopus.Version.NextRevision}"
# octopusdeploy_project_group.project_group_test will be created
+ resource "octopusdeploy_project_group" "project_group_test" {
+ description = "Test Description"
+ id = (known after apply)
+ name = "Test"
+ space_id = (known after apply)
# octopusdeploy_runbook.runbook will be created
+ resource "octopusdeploy_runbook" "runbook" {
+ default_guided_failure_mode = "EnvironmentDefault"
+ description = "Test Runbook"
+ environment_scope = "Specified"
+ environments = [
+ (known after apply),
+ force_package_download = true
+ id = (known after apply)
+ multi_tenancy_mode = "Untenanted"
+ name = "Runbook"
+ project_id = (known after apply)
+ published_runbook_snapshot_id = (known after apply)
+ runbook_process_id = (known after apply)
+ space_id = (known after apply)
+ connectivity_policy {
+ allow_deployments_to_no_targets = false
+ exclude_unhealthy_targets = false
+ skip_machine_behavior = "SkipUnavailableMachines"
+ target_roles = (known after apply)
+ retention_policy {
+ quantity_to_keep = 10
+ should_keep_forever = false
# octopusdeploy_runbook.runbook2 will be created
+ resource "octopusdeploy_runbook" "runbook2" {
+ default_guided_failure_mode = "On"
+ description = "Test Runbook 2"
+ environment_scope = "All"
+ environments = []
+ force_package_download = false
+ id = (known after apply)
+ multi_tenancy_mode = "Tenanted"
+ name = "Runbook 2"
+ project_id = (known after apply)
+ published_runbook_snapshot_id = (known after apply)
+ runbook_process_id = (known after apply)
+ space_id = (known after apply)
+ connectivity_policy {
+ allow_deployments_to_no_targets = false
+ exclude_unhealthy_targets = false
+ skip_machine_behavior = "SkipUnavailableMachines"
+ target_roles = (known after apply)
+ retention_policy {
+ quantity_to_keep = (known after apply)
+ should_keep_forever = true
# octopusdeploy_runbook.runbook3 will be created
+ resource "octopusdeploy_runbook" "runbook3" {
+ default_guided_failure_mode = "Off"
+ description = "Test Runbook 3"
+ environment_scope = "FromProjectLifecycles"
+ environments = []
+ force_package_download = (known after apply)
+ id = (known after apply)
+ multi_tenancy_mode = "TenantedOrUntenanted"
+ name = "Runbook 3"
+ project_id = (known after apply)
+ published_runbook_snapshot_id = (known after apply)
+ runbook_process_id = (known after apply)
+ space_id = (known after apply)
+ connectivity_policy {
+ allow_deployments_to_no_targets = true
+ exclude_unhealthy_targets = true
+ skip_machine_behavior = "None"
+ target_roles = (known after apply)
+ retention_policy {
+ quantity_to_keep = (known after apply)
+ should_keep_forever = true
# octopusdeploy_runbook.runbook4 will be created
+ resource "octopusdeploy_runbook" "runbook4" {
+ default_guided_failure_mode = (known after apply)
+ environment_scope = (known after apply)
+ environments = (known after apply)
+ force_package_download = (known after apply)
+ id = (known after apply)
+ multi_tenancy_mode = (known after apply)
+ name = "Runbook 4"
+ project_id = (known after apply)
+ published_runbook_snapshot_id = (known after apply)
+ runbook_process_id = (known after apply)
+ space_id = (known after apply)
# (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
# octopusdeploy_runbook_process.runbook will be created
+ resource "octopusdeploy_runbook_process" "runbook" {
+ id = (known after apply)
+ project_id = (known after apply)
+ runbook_id = (known after apply)
+ space_id = (known after apply)
+ version = (known after apply)
+ step {
+ condition = "Success"
+ condition_expression = (known after apply)
+ id = (known after apply)
+ name = "Hello world (using PowerShell)"
+ package_requirement = "LetOctopusDecide"
+ properties = (known after apply)
+ start_trigger = "StartAfterPrevious"
+ target_roles = []
+ action {
+ action_type = "Octopus.Script"
+ can_be_used_for_project_versioning = false
+ channels = []
+ condition = "Success"
+ environments = (known after apply)
+ excluded_environments = []
+ features = []
+ id = (known after apply)
+ is_disabled = false
+ is_required = true
+ name = "Hello world (using PowerShell)"
+ properties = {
+ "Octopus.Action.Script.ScriptBody" = <<-EOT
Write-Host 'Hello world, using PowerShell'
#TODO: Experiment with steps of your own :)
Write-Host '[Learn more about the types of steps available in Octopus]('
+ "Octopus.Action.Script.ScriptSource" = "Inline"
+ "Octopus.Action.Script.Syntax" = "PowerShell"
+ run_on_server = true
+ slug = (known after apply)
+ sort_order = -1
+ tenant_tags = []
# (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
+ action_template (known after apply)
+ container (known after apply)
+ git_dependency (known after apply)
+ package (known after apply)
+ primary_package (known after apply)
Plan: 10 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Changes to Outputs:
+ octopus_space_id = "Spaces-2"
octopusdeploy_project_group.project_group_test: Creating...
octopusdeploy_environment.test_environment: Creating...
octopusdeploy_environment.production_environment: Creating...
octopusdeploy_environment.development_environment: Creating...
octopusdeploy_environment.production_environment: Creation complete after 0s [id=Environments-5]
octopusdeploy_environment.test_environment: Creation complete after 0s [id=Environments-6]
octopusdeploy_project_group.project_group_test: Creation complete after 0s [id=ProjectGroups-3]
octopusdeploy_project.deploy_frontend_project: Creating...
octopusdeploy_project.deploy_frontend_project: Creation complete after 1s [id=Projects-1]
octopusdeploy_runbook.runbook2: Creating...
octopusdeploy_runbook.runbook3: Creating...
octopusdeploy_runbook.runbook4: Creating...
octopusdeploy_runbook.runbook4: Creation complete after 0s [id=Runbooks-1]
octopusdeploy_runbook.runbook3: Creation complete after 0s [id=Runbooks-2]
octopusdeploy_runbook.runbook2: Creation complete after 0s [id=Runbooks-3]
octopus_container_test_framework.go:641: server: http://localhost:32772
octopus_container_test_framework.go:642: spaceId: Spaces-2
octopus_container_test_framework.go:646: terraform apply error
Error: Provider produced inconsistent result after apply
When applying changes to octopusdeploy_environment.development_environment,
produced an unexpected new value: .sort_order: was cty.NumberIntVal(0), but
now cty.NumberIntVal(2).
This is a bug in the provider, which should be reported in the provider's own
issue tracker.
resource_runbook_test.go:18: exit status 1
--- FAIL: TestRunbookResource (3.94s)