Python requests powered web scrapper of companies' financial statements through the web site of the Tax Agency of Russia - Code starts with "" script. This script initiates the whole scraping process, opens a source data xlsx file containing company names and composes final xlsx file with all of the results found.
"" finds the information about a specific company on and transmits it to the "". "" searches for public procurements of a company on the independent web site.
The whole scrapper uses proxy rotation. It searches for current available free proxies and stores them into an SQL database, it is proceeded by "" script. The tax agency's web site is very strict to proxy connections, it makes the scraping process to take quite a few time, however the system is stable and eventually gets its job done.
This repository also contains two excel files: "sites Белгород.xlsx" with the company names of a town of Belgorod and "test_comp_info.xlsx" containing a sample of data that was scraped from the previous company list. There are a lot of "none" cells, it is an issue of companies that were already closed at the time of scraping.