A set of scripts to download yearly weather data from EUROCORDEX website for any location in EUROPE, and Transforming yearly data into a typical year
Downloading and Creating Typical weather file from EURO-CORDEX climate data repository is explained in three steps using three ipynp files here.
Downloading WeatherFiles from EURO-CORDEX from CDS portal https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/10.24381/cds.bc91edc3?tab=form
Download 6 climate variables (dry-bulb temperature, relative humidity, global solar radiation, cloud cover , atmospheric pressure , and wind speed) for each year of your chosen climate model.
1- A function to transform rlat/rlon to lat/lon and vice versa: this step is necessary because some of EURO-CORDEX files are projected on rlat/rlon coordinates system
2- Using the transformed coordinate, find the closest grid point in NETCDF file to the target coordinate location and extract climate variables for each year
3- After downloading 20 to 30 years of weather data, they are assumbled to generate a typical weather file
Each step is processed in one of the ipynp scripts