A project in the form of a simple marketplace to implement microservices, CI/CD, and Docker. Three types of users are in this marketplace:
Customer: the user who buys something from merchants
Merchant: the user who sells something
Admin: the user who controls the whole activities in the marketplace
The production site is available here: https://sea-store-frontend-production.herokuapp.com
To run this app locally:
Navigate to the
folder -
npm install
Navigate to the
) folder -
npm install
npm run start
Go to
on a browser
You will see this screen:
Customers in this app can do the following:
To register, a customer needs to choose the user type "Customer" and supply the following information: username, email, name, gender, and password. To log in, a customer needs to supply only a username and password. Upon registering, the customer's profile will be filled out with the information provided in the register form.
To add a product to cart, a customer can click on the "add to cart" button visible on the home page and the merchant profile page; both pages show a list of products. The list of products shows information related to the product for sale.
To view a merchant's profile, a customer can click on the merchant's name on the home screen visible when they are selling a product. When the customer click on the merchant's name, the customer will be redirected to the merchant's profile screen where he/she can see all the products the merchant is selling.
To update the profile information, a customer can simply go to the profile page and supply the updated information.
To view the cart, a customer can redirect to the cart page. When viewing a cart, a customer can also opt to remove the item previously added to the cart.
To make a payment, a customer must have a cart with at least one product. Then, on the cart page, a customer can make payment by supplying the bank name and the bank account number.
After making a payment, a customer will receive a new transaction record. The transaction record is visible on the transaction page. Transactions for customers have three statuses:
Pending: awaiting transaction approval from the admin
Accepted: transaction has been approved by the admin
Rejected: transaction has been rejected by the admin
A customer can logout.
Merchants in this app can do the following:
Registering and logging in as a merchant is the same as registering and logging in as a customer. The only differences are:
A merchant needs to choose the user type "Merchant".
A merchant needs registration approval from the admin before he/she is able to log in
#Add, Edit, and Delete a Product
A merchant can add, edit, and delete a product from the home screen. To add or edit a product, a merchant needs to supply the following information: name, price, quantity, description, and category. When a product's quantity reaches 0, "out of stock" will be displayed as that product's quantity.
Updating the profile's information as a merchant works the same way as updating the profile's information as a customer.
Merchants can see their wallet balance on the wallet screen. Additionally, when the transfers to their wallets happen is also visible on the same screen.
Merchants can view the order requests from customers after receiving transaction approval from the admin.
A merchant can logout.
Admins in this app can do the following:
To register and login, the admin needs to supply the same information as a customer or a merchant. However, there are two differences:
The admin has to provide the admin token that is valid in the database
The admin has to choose the user type "Admin"
An admin can either accept or reject a merchant's registration request. When the admin accepts the registration request, the merchant will be able to log in to his/her account. However, when the admin rejects the registration request, the account of the merchant will be deleted.
An admin can either accept or reject a transaction made by the customer as he/she deems fit. Upon accepting a transaction, the transaction status visible on the customer side will be changed to "Accepted"; at the same time, a new order request and a new wallet transfer record will be visible on the merchant side. Upon rejecting a transaction, the transaction status visible on the customer side will be changed to "Rejected"; on the other hand, the merchant will not receive any notification.
An admin can logout