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Nullkooland committed Mar 21, 2020
1 parent 6b8e44f commit 9b4777b
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Showing 2 changed files with 9 additions and 5 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions GBCLV3/Resources/Styles/Icons.xaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,10 @@
M486 523.89c-2.333 5.766-13 24.733-13 33-1.667 8.433-4.333 46.733-4 57 .333 10.266-4.667 30.4-6 34-3.833 16.1-34 59.733-45 65-11 5.266-28 18.066-52 14-12-2.234-21-8.434-24-8-3 .433-2.5.566-3 3-.5 2.433.167 10.9-2 13-2.167 2.1-3.333 1.9-4 4-.667 2.1-.167 7.4 1 8 1.167.6 2 .4 3 3s1.667 4.066 0 6c-1.667 1.933-4.833 2.566-4 5 .833 2.433 3.833 3.566 4 5 .167 1.433-1.5 3.733 0 7 3.5 3.1 5.982 8.102 8.005 10.001 3.049 2.862 1.82 19.813 1.995 21.999 1.167 3.1 4.5.9 4 4s0 9.4-2 12c-2 2.6-5.833 6.233-8 7-2.167.766-10 0-10 0l-3 4s-19 2.9-20 2c-1-.9 0-2 0-2h-6l-1 2s-12.333-.1-15-1-6-4-6-4-1.333-1.267-4-1c-2.667.266-8.667-1.1-12-4s-6.5-3.767-7-6c-.5-2.234-1.167-11.767 0-13 1.167-1.234-.542-13.267 1-16 1.542-2.734 11.625-17.267 18-20 .875-11.067 1.125-9.767 2-11 .875-1.234.958-10.6 0-12-.958-1.4-19.542-8.767-22-26-2.458-17.234-1-16-1-16l1-3s-10.375-9.767-9-21c1.375-11.234 1.458-6.267 3-10-.292-4.734 1.292-7.1 0-10-1.292-2.9-10-10-10-10s-19.042-.767-20-3c-2.958 1.933-22.542 18.566-28 17-.125 4.1 0 4 0 4s14.5 13.4 16 24c-1.333 5.266-.667 4.4-2 5 0 3.1.5 7.066 1 8 .5.933-.5 16.4-1 18-.5 1.6 5.333 6.066 4 13-1.167 1.933-3.167 3.566-1 6 2.167 2.433 6.167 13.4 5 22 3.333 1.933 2 3 2 3s0 6.733-2 9c-2.167 3.6-13.333 7.4-16 7-3-1.734-6-2-6-2l-3 3s-10.333 2.733-13 2c-2.667-.734-6-1-6-1s-4 6.566-17 6c-1.667-.567-3-1-3-1s-2.333 2.066-5 3c-2.667.933-17.333 2.233-19 2-1.667-.234-1-1-1-1h-4s-13.333.066-15 0c-1.667-.067-2-2-2-2H94s-5.875-3.6-6-7-5.542-2.1-6-9c-.458-6.9 2.125-22.6 13-26 5.708-9.4 17.625-16.1 27-17 9.375-.9 20-2 20-2s-1.042-4.434 3-4c-1.625-3.567-5.542-8.767-8-9-2.458-.234-4.875-1.1-7-2-2.125-.9-14.042-8.267-15-21-.958-12.734 1-8 1-8s1.292-5.934-2-8c-3.292-2.067-10.208-6.934-10-15 .208-8.067 8.125-23.434 13-25 1.375-8.4 8.292-20.267 10-22 1.708-1.734.792-4.1-2-4-2.792.1-3 0-3 0s-1.375-2.434 7-4c8.375-1.567 10 0 10 0s5.458-7.267-1-11c10.542.266 11 1 11 1s13-11.6 43-15c-1-7.4 1.167-7.767-3-10-4.167-2.234-10.667-13.267-10-16-4-3.567-6.833-5.934-8-10-6 .266-14-2.6-27-15-2.333.1-4.833.066-6 3 .333 4.6-6.333 25.066-13 29-6.667 3.933-29.333 13.9-31 18 .673 1.842-.708 3.429 0 4 2.669 2.153 1 4 1 4s-5.748 11.825-11 15c-.831 1.191-1.07 2.049-1 2 2.653 4.816 6.427 9.124 9 10 .884.89 1.159 3.558-.851 4.531-1.51 5.811-1.397 12.412.407 17.482.62 1.217 2.38 1.996 2.444 4.987-.864 3.102-2 4-2 4l-2 1s-3.5 21.4-25 19c5.167-7.567 9.5-16.6 7-18-2.5-1.4-3-2-3-2v-12s-2.667-2.1-2-5c-5-2.4-6.167-3.267-9-2-2.833 1.266-11.5 2.4-12 9-1.667 1.933-3 2-3 2s.087 2.209 0 3c-.167 1.516 3 2 3 2s1.777.685 1 3c2.162 2.463 7.087 5.55 18 5-2.875 5.687-7.845 8.949-17 9-1.506.949-2.726 1.218-5 1-.616 6.988 1.325 8.573 7.413 15.29-6.523 2.771-19.796 1.407-24.652-14.138-3.69-.18-6.594-4.419-5.761-10.152-4.167-5.4-6-6.1-6-9 0-2.9 1.333-.767 2-4 .667-3.234-.667-2.6 2-6-.052-2.161-.863-3.588 2-7-1.717-2.008-2-5-2-5s-.273-4.137 1.882-4.548c5.208-3.88 11.222-10.343 14.118-18.452 3.833-10.734 9-13.934 12-15 .833-4.067 2-4 2-4s10.167-17.267 13-18c2.833-.734 3-1 3-1s-.5-4.6 2-6c-.167-5.9-.833-7.767 1-14-.5-7.734 1-22 1-22s2.667-7.934 6-14c-6.833-8.067-9.333-9.6-9-14 .333-4.4 4.333-15.934 6-18-1.5-3.234-2.667-5.767 0-13 2.667-7.234 6-5.6 4-12-6.167-5.234-9-5-9-5s-2.833 9.066 1 12c-8.5-3.4-11.5-6.767-13-10-3.667 3.933-.5 3.4-4 3-3.5-.4-12.333-10.434-12-13-6.167.1-9 0-9 0s-9.167-6.934-4-15c-4-7.4-4.167-7.434-5-10-.833-2.567 1-13 1-13s2.333.4 3-3c.667-3.4-2-8.1 1-12 .5-2.234 1.5-2.434 5-3 3.5-.567 16-1 16-1s5.667-5.934 6-9c.333-3.067-1.333-7.267 3-8-.667-5.734-1.667-12.434 0-15 1.667-2.567 1.167-14.6 11-17 9.833-2.4 12.167-3.5 17-3 5.667-5.334 11.667-9.5 16-12 4-9 23.1-17.1 26-18 2.9-.9 1.6-1.1 5 0s5.933 7.4 9 8c3.067.6 33.667-1.267 47 4 13.333 5.266 9.833 10.066 13 10 3.167-.067 17.167 9.066 19 7 1.833-2.067 14.5-24.1 19-24 4.5.1 37.792 18.4 40 23 2.208 4.6 7.625 15.566 7 20 2.042 4.433 4.958 16.566 6 21 4.042 3.766 8.292 12.733 13 13 4.708.266 30.292 6.4 37 13 7.375.1 23.792 16.066 25 23 1.208 6.933 2.125 11.733 0 14-2.125 2.266-4.208 3.233-3 7 3.042 3.1 2.125 6.566 2 8 2.708 1.933 22.333 15.566 24 22 1.667 6.433 3 19.233 5 21 2 1.766 16.167 13.233 18 15 .333 4.933.333 10.9 2 14 1.667 3.1 16.167 27.4 15 38-1.167 10.6-6 37.4-3 41 3 3.6.5 21.4 1 24 .5 2.6.333.733 2 0 1.385-1.414 1.527-1.579 1.512-1.573.074-.067.381-.356 1.488-1.427 1.167-7.4 0-13.6 6-19-.167-8.4-2-10.267 4-18-.167-7.9-1.167-11.767 4-18-.167-8.567.667-9.6 4-14 .833-5.567 2.5-9.434 6-12-.833-4.567-1.833-4.767 8-13 1.833-6.734 9.667-28.267 44-19-7.167 6.433-18.667 14.233-21 20zm-335-67c-1.455-1.443-3.045-9.058-5-14-1.955.557-4 6-4 6 4.625 3.75 5.58 8.567 6 9 .42.432 4.455.442 3-1zm-12 9c.67.057 6.705-3.558 7-7 .295-3.443-10-13-10-13-.375 6-1.795 10.067-2 14 2.42 2.057 4.33 5.942 5 6zm-25 19c.545 1.932 1.83 1.192 3 1 1.17-.193 7.58-5.433 8-8 .42-2.568-8-10-8-10 1 5-1.482 5.785-2 9-2.066 2.759-1.545 6.067-1 8zm-32 9c3 5.557 14.125 2.692 16 2 1.875-.693.375.192 2-2 1.625-2.193-9.635-10.739-10.527-13.109-.803-2.131-1.317-5.927-1.473-5.891 0 0-3.125 2.192-5 5-1.5 1.432-1.25 7.817-1 14zm-12-5c.5 4.182 9 5 9 5s.375-5.433 0-10c-2.5.057-6-9-6-9s-.75 3.442-2 5c-1.25 1.557-1.5 4.817-1 9zm5-20s-.5 2.817 1 5c1.5 2.182 4.5 1.442 5 0 .5-1.443 2.25-7.183 0-7-2.25.182-5-9-5-9-3.25 2.375-1.625 3.567-2 6-1.125.682.833 3.833 1 5zm6-31c-2.031 1.932-13 1-13 1-.6 4.264 3.95 5.288 7.252 8.023 2.01 2.294 4.073 3.429 6.748 2.977-.906-1.443-1.469-4.558-1-12zm3 14c-1.547 2.815-3.537 2.351-4 6 .094 1.432-.469 4.692 1 6 1.469 1.307 4.406-2.183 6-5-3.656.432-.979-10.703-3-7zm1-4c.719 1.682 2.156 2.817 4 3 1.844.182 2.781-3.183 3-5 .219-1.818-7-7-7-7s-.719 7.317 0 9zm16-15c-4.031 3.557-12 4-12 4s-.594.567 0 2c.594 1.432 6.281 6.817 10 9-.906-2.818.406-4.808 1-9 1.094-1.318 1.531-.683 1-6zm-1 56c1.125 2.432 2.5 3.442 4 4 1.5.557 7.125-2.183 9-6 0-3.318-6.748-9.961-11-13-.767 2.964-1.5 12.067-2 15zm21-65c-2.781 3.057-17 8-17 8 .5 3.25 10.781 11.692 14 14 .469-2.818-.094-6.058 0-9 .094-2.943 1.406-6.308 3-8 1.594-1.693 2.406-2.308 0-5zm3 48c.045 1.807 2.33 4.317 4 5 1.67.682 5.83-5.808 8-9 .17-3.818-10-14-10-14 .332 3.338-.251 8.45 0 10-2.812 1.641-2.024 7.028-2 8zm1-48s-.125 2.067 0 5c.125 2.932 7.375 6.942 9 10 2 1.932 2.625 1.067 4 1-2.25-1.693-2.5-8.808-2-13-.75-2.318-11-3-11-3zm26-72c-3.363.652-5.208 2.204-10 9 .066 7.224-3.633 9.715-5 13 .419 3.598 5.752 6.25 8.031 5.105 2.357-1.184 6.257-4.148 8.969-9.105.955-4.854.244-15.081-2-18zm216 300c3.9.031 4.6.302 7 1 2.4.698 3.6 2.135 5 3 1.4.864 1.933-4.865 1-7-1.267-.802-6.067.302-9-1-1.933-1.969-7-1-7-1-1.333 1.833.6 3.135 3 5zm14-45c-2.733-5.865-2.6-6.969-10-13s-15.108-14.515-16-23c-.871-8.285.775-26.435 0-30-4.789-.294-13.767.031-18-2-4.233-2.031-14.333-8.167-18-8 0 0-6.6 16.198-10 17-.4 6.969-.933 7.364 0 9 .933 1.635 20.067 29.864 19 38 3.933 6.802 2.067 13.698 2 16 3.1 3.135 17.067 16.531 15 23 6.1-2.698 9.567-5.136 10-7 .433-1.865.9-7.469 7-9 6.1.635 4.4 2.198 7 2 2.6-.198 10.4-1.636 12-4-.067-4.031-1.267-5.802 0-9zm-239-231c-2.138.722-4.445-.14-4-2 .445-1.861 3.5-4.75 5-9 0 0 3.805 1.694 3 5-.805 3.306-1.862 5.277-4 6z

<StreamGeometry x:Key="Stegz">
M279 703.89c5.219-.289 12.719 7.038 13 9 .281 1.961-.438 5.195-4 7-1.406-3.383-2.562-3.149-6-5-.188 1.055.781 17.257-1 21 .688 3.492-1.719 12.07-3 15-1.75 1.492-2.188 4.726-5 7-2.688-.82-7.281 5.882-8 7-.719 1.117-5.188 4.632-11 5-2.844 3.055-11.531 8.257-14 9-2.469.742-4.781 1.32-8 0-1.562.68-14.781.851-19-1-2.031-2.226-5.812-1.555-9 0 .312 2.461-1.281 4.632-4 6-1 1.899.812 7.882 1 10 2.594.336 3.094 5.913 2 9 4.312 4.93 6.5 8.445 7 11 1.656.867 1.156 9.445 1 12-.156 2.555-7 6-7 6s-8.719.101-12 1c-3.281.899-5.281 2.663-10 3-4.719.336-8.531-2.93-10-4-3.156-.664-6.812-.649-10-2-3.188-1.351-2.938-3.149-3-6-.062-2.851.25-1.587 1-5-.69-4.955.75-8.743 4-12 .844-1.445 3.531-2 4-4 .688-1.664-.094-5.524-1-8-2.062-.289-5.679-1.11-9-5-.5-2.414 1-4 1-4s-.037-2.009 0-5c-2.683-1.59-7.967-6.87-3-11-1.938-.82-4.281-3.774-5-5-.719-1.226-.948.88-1-4-3.514-1.672-1.434-8.547 0-9 1.375-1.914-.393-.985-1-4-3.152.759-6.728-1.511-8-1-1.736 2.707-8.504 8.855-11 8 2.969 3.555 3.031 4.538 2 5-.406 5.586 3 6.57 4.256 10.714 4.181 2.798-.133 7.148-.256 7.286 0 0 .125 3.257 0 7 4.531 1.524 3.857 6.915 3 9 2.105 2.205 5.401 8.859 3 9 0 0-.031 5.57 0 10-4.5 3.211-14.969 3.976-18 4-2.312-.508-9.281 3.913-15 5-2.969 2.211-12.063.882-13 0-.938-.883-8.625.32-13 0-3-.758-5.813-2.899-9-8-.469-4.445.44-5.496 3-9 .357-6.522 11.258-11.188 15-10 2.594-1.445 10.188-3.087 12-3 .375-1.664-3.562-3.555-4-4-.438-.445-5.563-.024-7-1-1.438-.976-2-4.587-2-10-1.469.274-4.75-2.118-6-5-1.25-2.883 2.219-5.625 1-5-2.063.086-7.799-5.297-9-6-.988-.578-1.121-7.065-1-11 1.813-2.289 6.781-3.462 8-6 1.219-2.539-.969-5.212 4-10 9.469-13.008 25.812-16.43 29-18 .875-1.476 2.062-10.149-1-11-2.094.305-9.312-7.344-12-8-1.438 2.711-9.313 6.851-10 10 1 1.742-1.688 6.445-5 7-.063 3.742-4.844 9.413-10 12-5.156 2.586-9 3-9 3l6 9s-7-.93-10-2c.156 1.211-.094 4.57-4 5 .906 4.586-5.906 10.07-7 11-1.563.242-3.781-.625-5-1-.114.741-.278 2.785 1.065 2.222 3.128 1.111 5.574 3.651 5.935 4.778.5 1.562.313 4.788-1 6-1.313 1.211-6.281-2.149-8-3-1.719-.851-.719 2.226-1 3s-2.469 3.413-5 3c-2.531-.414-6.25-6.149-7-7s-2.719 3.445-4 4c-1.281.555-2.5-.962-3-3-.5-2.039-5.313-5.993-6-7-.688-1.008-.438-14.305 0-16 .438-1.695 3.469-6.274 6-8-.219-2.383 1.5-2.774 3-5 2.375-.351 9 0 9 0l-7-8s9.688.101 11 0c.031-1.914 4.216-2.596 5-4-.825-3.301 2.094-7.375 2-11 .938-3.063 7.486-8.079 13.12-12.869-2.11-13.952 6.443-25.319 6.705-26.474-.925-1.784-.571-3.566-.825-5.657-.575-4.739-.644-9.903 0-12 1.077-3.509 8.094-10.657 9-12-.5-1.157-2.625-.977-4-1-.688 1.57-6.208 6.523-9 8-4.542-.43-7.921.451-13 1-5.917 4.046-20.1 7.758-22 7-2.545-1.016-7.146-6.29-6-6 1.146.289 2.698-.54 2-1-.698-.461-1-4-1-4s1.417.804 3 1c-.917-.273 2.104-10.008 2-6-.104 4.008 2.198 4.96 2 4-.198-.961 2.906-9.375 3-7 .094 2.375 2 4 2 4s-.27-4.602 0-4c.27.602 1.542-.665 2-1 .458-.336-1-2-1-2s.98-.29 2 0c1.02.289 2.417-7.977 1-5-1.417 2.977-6 6-6 6v-6s-.905-.006-2 0c-1.34 3.395-4.416 5.134-5 5 0 0 .542-5.696 0-6-.542-.305-2.302.46-3 1-.698.539 0 6 0 6-1.219-.25-2.313-2.04-3-3-1.375-.648-1.25-.008-3-1-5.781-8.055-3.563-11.196-2-13-.563-1.555.344-5.852 2-6 1.656-.148 6.469.023 9 0 2-.773 2.667-2.682 5-4 .226-8.339 9.895-6.862 10-4 .003.082 2.375-.008 4 0 1.125-.461 4.594-1.352 7-1 .188-.867 3.313-1.071 6-1 1.094-1.805 7-1 7-1s.188-.602 1-2c-.406-.867-2.219-1.696-2-3 .219-1.305 1.719-5.915 3-7 1.281-1.086 3.625-5.79 5-6 .938.227 4.875 3.429 6 4 .594-1.148 4.531-5.696 6-6 1.438.414 7 10 7 10s-.063 6.554 0 6c1.96-.868 4.344-.838 5-2 .612-1.085-3-7-3-7s-.469-1.446 1-2c1.344-2.055 10-11 10-11h3s2.438 1.71 3 4c2.625-1.305 9-7 9-7s-.25.335 3 0c2.594 1.758 5.031 6.554 7 10 1.688-2.148 13.25-9.758 14-10 .75-.242 4.281 4.617 5 7 4.656-2.648 14-4 14-4s2.281 1.429 2 3c-.281 1.57 2 13 2 13l2 8s-1.281.523-3 2c1.875-.648 5.156-.415 6 0 .844.414 1.438 6.585 2 8l13-2s1.156.554 2 2c1.969-.211 10.359 1.21 11 2 .641.789-1.029 7.64-1 11 6.152 4.235 7.663 8.285 9 10 1.938 2.102.844 7.585 1 12 7.781 2.039 9.781 16.71 10 19 1.25.695 6.656 2.054 11 7-1.406 4.695 4.062 13.429 5 15 .938 1.57 1.562 8.898-1 14 1.406 5.133-1 14-1 14l10 2-5 4v2l4 2-6 3s.062 2.335 0 4c1.25.852 2 4 2 4s1.781-2.258 5-5c.312 2.195 3.594 7.867 4 10 2.5 1.008 3 2 3 2s-1.562 4.367-3 7c2.969 1.07 12.219-13.508 14-16 1.781-2.492.782-4.753 2-10-2.619-.36-4.25.117-7 1-2.466.792-7 3-7 3s-.792 1.723-1-2c-.28-5.014 12.88-13.616 15-13 .344-.836-.531-.508.186-3.639-2.84-2.018-10.581 3.92-15.186 5.639 2.344-11.898 9.531-14.68 13-15 1.531-1.789-1.812-13.462-2-17 4.062 1.242 10.344 11.288 12 16 5.656-.664 14.938 7.101 16 9 1.062 1.899.719 7.101-2 8-.25-3.601-5.531-6.118-10-7 1.312 1.055 1.062 2.07 2 5zm-218-102c-.203-.11-1.656-.109-3 0-2.64-.344-6.281 4.062-6 5 .656.515 1.047.078 2 0 1.969-.953 5.89-1.016 6-1 .11.015.672.359 2-1 .08-.418.36-.739.392-1.301-.645-1.25-1.254-1.625-1.392-1.699zm136 88c-1.214-1.469-.77-3.564-1-6-.089-.946-.852-1.993-1-3-1.655.585-7 0-7 0 .281.687-.138 2.048-2 3 .433 1.187.061 7.133 0 8 .814.241 5.436-.429 7-2 .126 1.866 3.217 7.383 4 9 .626-.571 2.53.352 3 1 .47.648 1.217.039 3-2-1.811-1.071-4.314-5.961-6-8zm11 30c-.406-1.188-6 2.531-8 4 0 0 2.062 3.125 2 4-.039.549 2.934-2.181 6-2 1.52-.8 2.291-1.968 3-2-2.033-1.992-2.75-2.063-3-4zm-155-114c-.697-.423 2.97-3.175 3.177-3.089 1.56 1.742 1.448 2.288-.177 3.089-1.063.523-1.986.615-3 0z

<StreamGeometry x:Key="CreeperIcon">
M853.312 1024h-170.624v-170.688H341.312V1024H170.688V512h170.624V341.312h341.376V512h170.624v512zM682.688 0H1024v341.312h-341.312V0zM0 0h341.312v341.312H0V0z
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions GBCLV3/Services/ThemeService.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public string FontWeight
private static readonly Color REF_COLOR_SPIKE = Color.FromRgb(15, 105, 200);
private static readonly Color REF_COLOR_BULLZEYE = Color.FromRgb(210, 50, 55);
private static readonly Color REF_COLOR_TBONE = Color.FromRgb(165, 125, 10);
private static readonly Color REF_COLOR_STEGZ = Color.FromRgb(105, 175, 5);
private static readonly Color REF_COLOR_STEGZ = Color.FromRgb(105, 175, 15);

private readonly Config _config;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,10 +188,10 @@ public void LoadBackgroundIcon(Color accentColor)
BackgroundIcon = iconsDict["T-Bone"] as StreamGeometry;
//else if (ColorUtil.CalcL2Norm(accentColor, REF_COLOR_STEGZ) < COLOR_L2_THRESHOLD)
// BackgroundIcon = iconsDict["Stegz"] as StreamGeometry;
else if (ColorUtil.CalcL2Norm(accentColor, REF_COLOR_STEGZ) < 0.0090f)
BackgroundIcon = iconsDict["Stegz"] as StreamGeometry;
BackgroundIcon = iconsDict["DragonIcon"] as StreamGeometry;
Expand Down

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