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TicketDesk 2.1 Features

StephenRedd edited this page Dec 27, 2014 · 3 revisions

User Features

  • Simple and intuitive TicketCenter includes paging, single/multiple column sorting, and filtering help you arrange lists to your preferences. Each list remembers your previous sort and filter settings between sessions.

  • Full text search powered by

  • A simplified ticket creation screen with a minimum of required fields. Users won't feel like they are answering to the Spanish inquisition when they need to report a new problem and they won't have to answer a lot of technical questions they don't understand. Mostly, they just pop in a title, add some details, then hit create button.

  • Ticket viewer that displays information about a ticket simply and effectively.

  • An action oriented ticket system that intuitively guides users through a simple workflow. The system intelligently displays only the available actions based on the ticket's status, and the user's role.

  • A streamlined workflow allows tickets to flow effortlessly with no unnecessary obstacles or complex "approval" and "review" processes. The workflow emphasizes efficient communication and cooperation between users and help desk staff.

  • A running activity log that tracks everything done to a ticket, who did it, when, and why. This is the meat-and-potatoes of a ticket and acts as both discussion board and audit trail.

  • Advanced Email Notification system to effectively communicate changes to tickets to the users. Includes an advanced "Anti-noise" system to cut down on the number of emails your users receive. Intelligently consolidating multiple updates into a single notification email when changes to a ticket occur in rapid succession.

  • Offers a self-contained security database for users and roles, or it can integrate with Windows security and your Active Directory domain.

  • Simple online configuration tools.

Technical Features

  • Technology Stack: Visual Studio 2012, C#, .NET 4.5, ASP.NET MVC Framework 4, SQL Server 2005/2008/2012 (including express and localdb editions), Microsoft Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF), MVCContrib, Lucene.NET, Entity Framework 4.0, LINQ to Entities, Data Annotations, T4MVC, and JQuery.

  • Originally an MVC 2.0 web application front-end, the front-end has been updated for compatibility with MVC 4 in release 2.1; though it still uses the ASPX view engine and MVC 2 patterns for the most part.

  • A class library project for the back-end domain model. The back-end library has no direct coupling with the front-end or web contexts and can be used with alternate front-end clients.

  • Uses SQL 2005, 2008, or 2012; including the express editions and 2012 localdb. Express edition file-attached databases are included. Includes all the SQL Scripts you need to manually create the database in full editions of SQL server.

  • Installs to IIS easily and simply. No need for complex installers, no 3rd party components to register, and no worries about complex IIS configurations.

  • Advanced error logging via ELMAH to help you keep track of anything that goes wrong with TicketDesk (we hope you don't need this feature too often).

  • Leverages Entity Framework 4.0 and LINQ to Entities for data access allowing powerful and expressive data access.

  • Uses JQuery and AJAX techniques to provide a smooth and friendly UI experience, but doesn't use AJAX just to be "cool". It sticks to the basics, and degrades gracefully for less-capable browsers. Most features will even work with javascript disabled.