This repository contains code for creating short url generator with AWS Lambda and PostgresQL as database
Live Code -
1: Create AWS Lambda Function with python 3.9
runtime with function url enabled
2: Download lambdaZip and import code into your lambda function
3: Create environment variable in lambda as follows:
DB_HOST = <db_host>
DB_NAME = <db_name>
DB_PASSWORD = <db_password>
DB_PORT = <db_port>
DB_USER = <db_user>
LAMBDA_URL = <lambda_url>
4: Attach Lambda Layer using below ARN: ( This will only work for ap-south-1 region ) - refer - KLayers for your region's layer ARN
jinja2 - arn:aws:lambda:ap-south-1:770693421928:layer:Klayers-p39-jinja2:4
psycopg2-binary - arn:aws:lambda:ap-south-1:770693421928:layer:Klayers-p39-psycopg2-binary:1
Jinja for template render
psycopg2 for PostgresQL Connection
5: In your database, create kLinks
table as follows with SQL:
original text NOT NULL,
short text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (original, short)
6: Make sure that your database is reachable using lambda and make sure your lambda function url is also public with no authenticaion, unless you are intention is doing so with authenticaion