With this bot You can Create Key's And Reset The Hardwer IDs From User's User's can Claim Key's To get an generated password And Username To make It safer
- Node.JS 18 or newer
- Keyauth Seller Plan
If u install Node.js U can Use It really fast
npm i
To start the Bot Type
node main.js
"clientID": "1233455", //ID Of the bot
"AuthKey": "JKBFGSDFNKGBSJK", //Your Super Duper keyauth seller key
"Role": "1233455", //Role ID For Staff To gen Key's Or Reset HWID'S
"RoleID": "1233455" //RoleID That the Customer Get's after use claim
BOT_TOKEN=//Your discord bot token here
- Discord: litecoin#1337
- Make for education propose only
- Under licensed MIT MIT License.