This is a custom video player for Kivy using KivyMD components. The video player features play/pause, stop, volume, and fullscreen control buttons. It also shows the progress of the video, includes a thumbnail display, and caches the thumbnails for performance improvements.
Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:
git clone
cd CustomVideoPlayer
- Kivy >= 2.2.0 (Installation)
- Python >= 3.9
- KivyMD >= 1.1.1
To install these dependencies, you can use the requirements.txt
file included in this project:
Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the video player with the following command:
This will start the custom video player with the included example video file (video_files/video_file.mp4) and thumbnail (video_files/thumbnail.png).
The video player includes the following features:
- Customizable control buttons.
- Responsive design.
- Full-screen mode.
- Volume control.
- Video progress bar.
- Keyboard controls.
- Auto-hide control buttons.
- Video thumbnail caching.
- Support for keyboard shortcuts.
- : The main script to start the application.
- : The custom video player implementation.
- custom_video_player.kv : The Kivy layout file for the custom video player.
- video_files/ : Directory containing the video and thumbnail files.
- screenshot.png : A screenshot of the application.
- : This readme file.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.