Discord server :
-a, --address Your public key [string] [required]
-m, --mode force solo or pool mining mode
Default is based on server url [string]
-s, --server Server address
Example: -s or
-s [array] [required]
-p, --port Server port
You don't need this if server address has
the port appended at the end [array]
--pl, --platform Mining platform
nvidia or amd
Default: nvidia [string]
-n, --name Rig name [string]
-x, --pass Pool password [string]
-d, --devices Active GPUs
Example: -d=0 1 3
Default: All available GPUs [array]
-t, --threads Number of threads per GPU
Example: -t 2 or -t 2 2 4
Default: 2 [array]
-i, --intensity between 10 to 30. Supports decimals
Example: -i 26.5 or -i 23.6 25
Default: 26 [array]
-c, --chain Preferred chain to mine on [number]
-r, --random Enable/Disable random starting nonce
Default: false [boolean]
--ai, --api Enable/Disable API
Default: true [boolean]
--ap, --apiport API port
Default: 3000 [number]
-u, --usebin AMD only. Use prebuilt kernel binaries
Default: true [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
Nvidia kernels have been built with CUDA 10.0. You need to update your driver to the latest version in order to use them.
The minimum supported Compute Capability is SM3.5. You can check your cards' SM support in the following link:
AMD kernel has been only tested on amdgpupro driver. This miner does not support rocm and other drivers.
If you are running the noncerpro.exe file directly, make sure you have set UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE to atleast 32;
Download the binary packge for Windows/Linux, edit mine-nvidia or mine-amd bash/bat file and insert your own wallet address and run it.
Make sure you tune intensity with -i or --intensity. It supports decimals for fine tuning (eg :-i 26.5).
Blake2s is a core intensive algo. Don't waste your time on memory clock.
This miner has a fixed 2% dev fee. That means 5 minutes in every 100 minutes, miner will run with the donation address. Devfee of versions prior to 2.0 is 5%.
Happy mining!