Prisma + Postgres Bun ( or Nodejs ) Vite + Vike React Docker Vitest tRPC
Typebox Mutative React Query Material UI Pino CSSModules ExpressJS
bun run setup:dev
bun run dev
bun run build
bun run prod
- Vite + Vike - This combination is compatible with bun, and is the closest thing to a fully featured framework like NextJS.
- Prisma + Postgres - Tried and true, battle tested combination that I'm familiar working with.
- Bun over NodeJS - Very fast runtime, startup times are almost instant.
- Vitest - Spiritual successor to Jest built on Vite, runs tests superfast.
- Typebox over zod - Zod is notoriously hard on the typescript compiler:
- Mutative - Faster, better than immer and manual mutations:
- ExpressJS - With Bun, express becomes very respectiable in terms of speed. Also, has first class support with Vike.
- MUI - Looks nice without much effort