Kossa Shop is a Python-based e-commerce application built using Flask. It provides a seamless shopping experience with robust order processing, user authentication, and payment integration.
- Cart, Orders, and Items Management: Includes a complete order processing system.
- User Authentication: Proper user authentication and authorization for secure access.
- Payment Integration: Integrated with Paystack for seamless payment processing.
- Custom Admin Panel: Manage orders and items effectively through a custom-built admin interface.
- Item Search: Find products easily with a search feature.
- Responsive UI: Built with Bootstrap and custom CSS for an elegant user interface.
Quick visual overview of Kossa Shop.
Ensure the following prerequisites are met before setting up Kossa Shop:
- Python installed on your machine.
- Paystack API key for payment integration. Learn more at Paystack Setup.
Follow these steps to run Kossa Shop locally:
git clone https://github.com/NjauSamuel/flask-shop.git
cd flask-shop
pip install -r requirements.txt
For better dependency management, activate a virtual environment:
Set your Paystack API key in the appropriate configuration file or environment variable.
python app.py
Access the application at http://localhost:5000
Check out the live version of Kossa Shop at: https://kosashop.eucossa.com
This project is owned and maintained by Samuel Njau.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.