Welcome to this wonderful project!
Given a FLIC connected button, provides awesome random facts from Chuck Norris legend. This project is based on chucknorrisfacts API.
This project aims to help members of a team to relax during hard days.
Feel free to run tests with this command below
npm test
This project has been deployed with Heroku
There are some things to consider
Rendez-vous on your slack configuration to generate a token
This project needs 3 environment variables in order to work:
this token is your own, you can generate it or whatever, but it must be fill as CUSTOM HEADER in order to work. The expected header is:x-live-button-token
must be fill with previous generated Slack tokenSLACK_CHANNEL_ID
targeted Slack channel, can be found in the URL from online Slack mode.
There's only one endpoint on this project: GET <URI>/chuck-norris
Don't forget to add the CUSTOM HEADER and enjoy!
And also don't forget:
Chuck Norris voit le temps passer.