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Folders and files

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All implementations mentioned in the experiment sheet have been implemented.
Explanation of the folder structure:

Run: "gcc -o shell shell.c -lreadline" to compile
Run "./shell" to run the shell

fileIO: A program that takes input using scanf and prints the input taken using printf. Its sourcecode is fileIO.c

loop: A blocking program that only loops. Its sourcecode is loop.c

Inputdata: A possible file to provide inputs to FileIO
opdata: A file where output from fileIO is stored

Inputdata and opdata were used to check input output file redirection.

But the following bugs exist:

1. If I try to use command from history that executes a program with input-output file redirection, 
the input output file redirection does not work. The program takes input and output from console only. 
But the program works if the same statement is entered by hand. 

2. The readline() function that takes input suffers from lag when background processes are running. It does not take 
input properly and many times the keys that you press on the keyboard does not reflect in the console, immediately 
but reflects after a few times after enter is pressed.

Note: This does not occurr all the time, but only some times.

3. After all executing background child process have been killed, some commands like exit and job do not run immediately, 
but run after one execution. For example: After killing all bg processes, if I want to exit, the first time I enter exit, 
nothing happens, but the second time it works.


A bash like shell






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