Inspired by this thread, this flake contains derivations of both vanilla and fabric edition (if available) for all versions of minecraft.
(Old versions are not fully tested, feel free to file an issue if you encounter problems.)
$ nix run github:Ninlives/minecraft.nix#v1_18_1.vanilla.client
You will be asked to login before launching the game. Only MSA login is supported, since Microsoft has started to migrate all Mojang accounts to Microsoft accounts.
$ nix run github:Ninlives/minecraft.nix#v1_18_1.vanilla.server
You may use the withConfig
function to add extra configurations to the game:
description = "A simple modpack.";
inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
inputs.minecraft = {
url = "github:Ninlives/minecraft.nix";
inputs.metadata.follows = "minecraft-metadata";
inputs.minecraft-metadata.url = "github:Ninlives/minecraft.json";
inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, minecraft, flake-utils, ... }:
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
inherit (pkgs) fetchurl;
in {
packages.minecraft-with-ae2 =
(minecraft.legacyPackages.${system}.v1_18_1.fabric.client.withConfig [{
mods = [
(fetchurl {
# file name must have a ".jar" suffix to be loaded by fabric
name = "fabric-api.jar";
url =
sha256 =
(fetchurl {
url =
sha256 =
# withConfig is also composable
}]).withConfig {
resourcePacks = [
(fetchurl {
url =
sha256 =
For client:
Name | Description |
mods | List of mods load by the game. |
resourcePacks | List of resourcePacks available to the game. |
shaderPacks | List of shaderPacks available to the game. The mod for loading shader packs should be add to option ``mods'' explicitly. |
authClientID | The client id of the authentication application. |
declarative | Whether using a declarative way to manage game files. Currently only resource packs and shader packs are managed. |
For server:
Name | Description |
mods | List of mods load by the game. |
declarative | Whether using a declarative way to manage game files. No-op for server currently. |
- Configure Minecraft and mods in nix