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VCAs and Mixers

Nikolai V. Chr edited this page Apr 16, 2022 · 1 revision


Simple Amplifier/attenuator. The yellow light will turn on when output signal amplitude peaks above +-10V.

Autinn Amp

Max 6dB amplification. Middle setting of knob is 0dB.

No clipping. Supports polyphonic cables.

6 Channel Mixer

The buttons toggle between NORMAL, MUTE, SOLO. Hope the rest is self-explanatory.

Muting will mute a channels output plus its feed into FX A and/or FX B.



Module that amplifies/attenuates before some other module, then after the module it applies the opposite gain.

Use pre in/out into another module, then from that module use post in/out.

Suggested usage: For non-linear DSP modules without drive or with too limited drive.

Autinn Mera

No clipping.

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