Releases: NikolaiVChr/Autinn
Releases · NikolaiVChr/Autinn
Release v2.1.0
Autinn VCV Rack Plugin v2.1.0
Release v2.0.0
Autinn VCV Rack Plugin v2.0.0
- Plugin released as open-source.
- Plugin made compatible with Rack 2.0.0
- Select ports have had tooltips added.
- Relevant modules now support bypass option.
- Lights have had added tooltips.
- Bass module now has context menu option to enable x4 oversampling.
- Bass module filter sweep envelope now goes 31% of ENVMOD below the cutoff setting if allowed to decay long enough.
- Bass module filter cutoff envelope now stacks even higher when fast accented notes in succession is played.
- Bass module has had reworked amplifier envelope for accented notes.
- Deprecated the Vxy module.
Release v1.0.0
Autinn VCV Rack Plugin v1.0.0
- Plugin made compatible with Rack 1.1.1
- Amp module now support polyphonic cables.
- Added custom units and scaling to context menu on many knobs.
Autinn 0.6.5
Autinn is now included in the VCV plug-in manager.
Just go to link and subscribe to it to get it downloaded.
- Bass: Moved the gate/trig button.
- Vibrato: Added CV inputs for flanger and frequency.
- Flora: Made cutoff CV be 1V/Oct.
- Flora: Made cutoff knob be logarithmic.
- Flora: Replaced linearity with drive knob and CV.
- Bass: Made a filter adjustment.
Autinn 0.6.4
Autinn 0.6.3
- In Bass module accented notes filter sweep now has faster attack to make fast notes sound better. Slow notes will sound slightly less wauwy, but the trade-off had to be made.
- Increased max value for resonance knob in Bass module.
- Many filter sweep envelope and volume envelope changes in Bass module.
- Added button to Bass that can switch input from gate to trigger.
- Added red light on Bass that will indicate oscillator gain is stressing the filter and might be soft clipped too much. But listen to it, maybe that sometimes can be desirable.
- Added Vxy module.
- Added 2 missing screws in Vibrato module.
Mac binary compiled by Autodafe.
Autinn 0.6.2
- Saw and Square module now morph between wave forms at lower frequencies than before.
- Made Flora and Bass passband gain not decrease too much when turning up resonance.
- Made some minor adjustments to accented envelopes in Bass module.
- Decreased MOD ENV range from 0-7500 to 0-4500 in Bass module.
- Increased VCA envelope decay in Bass module.
- Added Vibrato module.
- Added Mera module.
- Fixed missing screws on all panels.
Mac binary kindly compiled by Autodafe.
Autinn 0.6.1
Mac binary was kindly compiled by Autodafe.
Autinn v0.6.0 beta build for Windows/Linux
Beta build for Rack v0.6
Only for Windows and Linux for now.
Nothing changed except the porting to to new API.
Autinn 0.5.21
- Autodafe compiled a mac binary, thank you!
- Fixed in Bass that accented notes were not attack softened when resonance was high.
- Increased the softening of accented notes at high resonance in Bass.
- Slightly increased range of cutoff knob in Bass.
- Changed the Bass filter to be pure 24dB.
- Added CV inputs to Bass module.
- Removed description from Rack plugin module list. And sorted the list.
- Renamed Retri module to Flora.
- Added Saw and Square oscillator modules.
- Removed sustain from Bass.
- Made Bass VCA envelope have linear attack, as its a declicker only anyway.
- Removed saturation at Bass output, too expensive.
- Some more envelope changes to Bass.
- Removed clicky retrigger in Bass vca envelope.
- Made increased env mod decrease amount of extra pitch on accented notes in Bass.
- Declicked vca from Bass filter envelope also.
Edit: Fixed the mac zip.