Handlr ( demo )
Issue tracker for a DMS web application, currently in private beta. ( DMS = Document Management System). It's based on Reddit, Hackernews with more advanced functionality
- easy UI, Reddit / HN like interface;
- voting, vote on good stories. See your post go trending;
- tags, label a post with multiple tags, so you can find it later;
- actions, a tag can contain actions. ( see #92 );
- personal menu, menu can be customized according to your login, you can auto-include tags when users register ( they can always remove it);
- personal view, only view the content that you voted on;
- search, Search can contain tags and text, Eg. [machine-learning] tensorflow;
- combined tag search, search can happen between multiple tags Eg. [course] [machine-learning] to find all posts labeled with machine-learning and course;
- functionality tags, A tag can contain custom input elemens, eg. when adding a tag: client-work. It is possible to define 2 extra input fields: Client Name:Text, Description:TextArea and a chronometer . You can also have HTML and much more. These tags CAN be hidden from the overview to avoid clutter;
- tag inheritance, it is possible to inherit a tag, reducing tag clutter. Eg. Cloud-Platform > Azure -> Azure-VM . Cloud-Platform > Google-Cloud-Platform, Cloud > AWS > SES;
- tag synonyms, better organise your tags by creating synonyms. One Tag declares the behaviour for all the synonyms
- multiple domains, one instance can be spanned over multiple domains with different contents;
- different roles, admins have super powers, others could have less;
- role tags, only certain user roles see certain tags;
- url manipulation, you can add a affliate url for amazon urls. Override it by default or only when it's absent ( #30);
- RSS subscription, tags can be subscribed through RSS ( #12 );
- RSS Feed import, automaticly import items from a feed, add the feed tags or manually add tags to it;
- bookmarklet, generate a new post by clicking on a link in your browser bookmarks ( adds title & url );
- Sticky, Make posts a stick in general overview or in a tag. Make it extra visible ( admins only) ( #42 );
- payment options, Unique content can be added to a paywall. On tag and post basis. Donations are also possible ( #32 ) ;
- payout by commission, to reward unique content authors ( #41 );
- course navigation, navigate through multiple posts from an author. On a domain basis or defined by the submitted ( #33 );
- ghosting, hide some users if they are annonying / irrelevant ( #43);
- API for auto-submit, eg. reading in newsletters;
- customize layout, make the site suited to your organisation / mission;
- newsletter, auto generate a newsletter based on the content you submitted #51 #52
Demo available on: http://tagly.azurewebsites.net/
- https://github.com/NicoJuicy/SendyAPI.dotnet ( a dot net core client for Sendy )
- https://github.com/NicoJuicy/WebsiteAsImageWebService ( a selfhosted nodejs service for generating thumnails from a website )
- https://github.com/NicoJuicy/WebsiteAsImageWebService.Api.Csharp/ ( API in c# dotnet core for grabbing the file )