A few little Projects, and other random but interesting things, in one place.
The Ackermann function is a recursive function in Computability Theory. But a human has never seen on screen the result of applying the function to high initial values, even fairly small base numbers like A(4, 2)... and there is a reason for that.
A little game of decoding an encrypted message. Challenge requested by an Argentinian company called "CompuTrabajo". It seems a little hard... but challenge accepted!
Excercise extracted from my Genetic Algorithm's classes at UTN in 2019. I will improve it a bit in the future and rewrite it on a jupyter notebook. The Cantor Set is one of the most famous fractals.
Linear congruential generator (LGC) methods only, for the moment.
I don't know. They're just some functions that I used once, because Numpy doesn't accept a "Frecuency Population" parameter for the calculation of mean, variance and standard deviation.
An easy way to solve any 9x9 sudoku no matter how hard it may be. Recursive approach. Also, a good way to verify if a possible solution is correct.
In the future it will contain something related to basics Deep Neural Networks... but maybe it will be moved to a new repository of its own. Without sadness, because it will only give way to new projects.