TripTunes is a versatile web application that generates a playlist based off of the user’s preferred artist and trip duration. The webpage also allows you to save the generated playlist in Spotify to save the playlist.
One of the APIs has a daily cap of 150 hits, so if the deployed link does not return a tracklist on the results page, then the search limit has been hit.
Jessica Guico Nick Margaritondo Chris Noriega
Navigate to the live link here
Upon initial page load the user is presented with an input form prompting the user to enter a start location and an end location.
After the user enters their desired locations, another input form pops up for the user to enter an artist to center their playlist around.
After the user clicks the 'Generate Playlist" button, the user is redirected to another page that renders a tracklist and a textarea that the user can copy and paste directly into the official spotify app.
The play button icons are clickable and redirects the user to the official track on spotify.
The tracks are rendered on card that contain the album artwork, track name, artist, abum and track length.
Appropriate error messages render on screen when the user enters invalid data or when the trip is too long and the API caps their data response.
CSS Framework: Foundation JQuery Unofficial Spotify API Mapbox Directions Matrix API Mapbox Geocoding API Google Icon Fonts