Provides a component to wrap the slideout Javascript library.
This article covers the basic usage guidelines for aurelia-slideout
To get started you'll need to install aurelia-slideout
using jspm install aurelia-slideout
or npm install aurelia-slideout --save
. Afterwards, add .plugin('aurelia-slideout')
to the configuration in your main.js
to ensure the plugin is loaded at application startup.
If you're using the aurelia-cli
, add the following configuration to your aurelia.json
after you've installed the package with npm.
"name": "aurelia-slideout",
"path": "../node_modules/aurelia-slideout/dist/amd",
"main": "aurelia-slideout",
"resources": [
If you're not sure where to put this, search your aurelia.json
for aurelia-templating-resources and put it underneath.
todo: Add more documentation here