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This is being discussed or addressed in another thread or forum
Improvements of code or code behavior
Proposed enhancements or new features
fixes or enhancements that will break schema or code compatability
request for community contributions that involve many parts of NWB
request for community contributions that are good for new contributors
impacts proper operation or use of core function of NWB or the software
impacts proper operation or use of feature important to most users
alternative solution already working and/or relevant to only specific user(s)
non-critical problem and/or affecting only a small set of NWB users
Will not be fixed due to low priority and/or conflict with other feature/priority
Discussions related to conversion and integration of data with NWB
Improvements, issues, or additions to documentation
Discussions and issues related to Neurodata Extensions (NDX)
Discussions related to MatNWB
Discussion related to PyNWB
Discussions related to NWB-enabled tools
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