A directory called clean_pedi is necessary to run these scripts. This is the directory from where you can run all your analyses.
Step 0: Creates pheno files in .csv format
Files should be out_*.csv
Edit brainDataName to match brain data you'd like to include.
Step 1: Simply copies clean_pedi into several new directories - one per phenotype file containing X number of traits.
Step 2: Makes solar running files. It uses the following script - run_make_solar_file_inorm
Step 3: Runs it on the Condor cluster
Step 4: Reassemble input surface The summary of the results of the analysis will be saved in the se_out.out in each directory. Such as:
Trait node_1266_INORM H2r 0.5574053 SE 0.1048703 P 0.0000005 %CovVarianceExpl 0.0052763
The full models and outputs are saved in the trait directory. Then you simply parse the se_out.out file and fill your array with these outcomes.
python run_step_4.py [prefix] [csv_lim]
Step 5: Visualize results
matlab & run_step_5...m