A JavaScript component for visualizing neural activity data (analog signals, spike trains etc.) stored in any of the file formats supported by the Neo library. Implementations are available in both AngularJS and ReactJS.
Homepage: https://neoviewer.apps.ebrains.eu/
The component was developed to produce graphical representations of neural activity data based on the Neo object model. Neo is an open source API implemented in Python supporting many file formats, including several proprietary formats (e.g. AlphaOmega, Plexon, NeuroExplorer), open formats (e.g. Neurodata Without Borders, Klustakwik, Elan) and generic file formats (e.g. MATLAB, ASCII, HDF5). Neo loads this data into a common object model with the aim of increasing interoperability of various software tools used in electrophysiology and thus facilitating sharing of data between different projects. Neo's focus is solely on the structure of the data, with separate tools being required for their analysis. Our compoment comes in at this stage by enabling interactive visualization of data. It makes use of the open source Plotly library for visualisation, owing to its efficiency in handling large data, and FastAPI Python web framework for the backend.
Live demo: https://neoviewer.apps.ebrains.eu/angularjs
For more details, see here.
Live demo: https://neoviewer.apps.ebrains.eu/react
For more details, see here.
By default, the visualizer uses the Neo file server at https://neoviewer.apps.ebrains.eu/. This is fine for testing and light use, but for better performance you may wish to deploy your own server on a more powerful machine. Instructions for doing this are here.
See here.
This open source software code was developed in part or in whole in the Human Brain Project, funded from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under Specific Grant Agreements No. 720270, No. 785907 and No. 945539 (Human Brain Project SGA1, SGA2 and SGA3).