Create and maintain a database of graphs and networks with mathematical relevance. This database is a fingerprint database as defined by Billey and Tenner in Fingerprint Databases for Theorems
References should be given as a bibtex string for now
Later goal will be to integrate it as a JSON object, however, this isn't the first priority
- use pandoc-citeproc --bib2json to convert the bib files into the appropriate JSON
- Why use JSON instead of bib?:
- JSON can easly be made into an SQL database for website in future.
refs can be made by altering by changing the s1 variable to the appropriate MathSciNet ID number.
bash script for getting refs:
curl -s "" | sed -n "/<pre>/,/<\/pre>/p" | sed '1d;$d' | pbcopy
note: pbcopy should be chaged to clip or xclip
There is a GUI now to add and remove references. The GUI is horribly designed, but it somehow works. Don't judge please.