rubyzip is a ruby library for reading and writing zip files.
rubyzip is available on RubyGems, so:
gem install rubyzip
Or in your Gemfile:
gem 'rubyzip'
require 'rubygems'
require 'zip/zip'
folder = "Users/me/Desktop/stuff_to_zip"
input_filenames = ['image.jpg', 'description.txt', 'stats.csv']
zipfile_name = "/Users/me/Desktop/", Zip::ZipFile::CREATE) do |zipfile|
input_filenames.each do |filename|
# Two arguments:
# - The name of the file as it will appear in the archive
# - The original file, including the path to find it
zipfile.add(filename, folder + '/' + filename)
There is more than one way to access or create a zip archive with rubyzip. The basic API is modeled after the classes in from the Java SDK. This means there are classes such as Zip::ZipInputStream, Zip::ZipOutputStream and Zip::ZipFile. Zip::ZipInputStream provides a basic interface for iterating through the entries in a zip archive and reading from the entries in the same way as from a regular File or IO object. ZipOutputStream is the corresponding basic output facility. Zip::ZipFile provides a mean for accessing the archives central directory and provides means for accessing any entry without having to iterate through the archive. Unlike Java's rubyzip's Zip::ZipFile is mutable, which means it can be used to change zip files as well.
Another way to access a zip archive with rubyzip is to use rubyzip's Zip::ZipFileSystem API. Using this API files can be read from and written to the archive in much the same manner as ruby's builtin classes allows files to be read from and written to the file system.
For details about the specific behaviour of classes and methods refer to the test suite. Finally you can generate the rdoc documentation or visit
By default, rubyzip will not overwrite files if they already exist inside of the extracted path. To change this behavior, you may specify a configuration option like so:
Zip.options[:on_exists_proc] = true
If you're using rubyzip with rails, consider placing this snippet of code in an initializer file such as config/initializers/rubyzip.rb
Additionally, if you want to configure rubyzip to overwrite existing files while creating a .zip file, you can do so with the following:
Zip.options[:continue_on_exists_proc] = true
To run tests you need run next commands:
bundle install
Alexander Simonov ( alex at
Alan Harper ( alan at
Thomas Sondergaard (thomas at
Technorama Ltd. (oss-ruby-zip at
extra-field support contributed by Tatsuki Sugiura (sugi at
rubyzip is distributed under the same license as ruby. See