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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 14, 2023. It is now read-only.


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This repository is archived and will not receive further updates.

If you have examples of functionality provided by this repository that can not be achieved through existing kubectl commands, please open an issue on the Near Node Flash repository.

DWS Utility

The DWS Utility attempts to perform basic interactivity with the DWS API endpoint.

Basic functionality

  • Get a list of Workflows
  • Retrieve basic information on a single Workflow
  • Create a new Workflow
  • Assign resources to a Workflow
  • Progress a Workflow through all desired states
  • Progress a Workflow directly to teardown
  • Delete a Workflow
  • Show inventory from a cluster or an inventory file

Basic DWS Utility setup

From a git repository

NOTE: This approach is based on venv and always requires you to source venv/bin/activate to work.

  • DWS Utility requires Python 3 and several Python packages, recommend using VENV
  • DWS Utility requires a valid kube config file and will utilize the following in order: -k path_to_config command line option The config item in the k8s section of the dwsutil config file in use The normal Kubernetes configuration as specified by $KUBECONFIG or $HOME/.kube
  • DWS Utility will use the default Kubernetes context, however the context may be overriden with the --kctx flag
  • TIP: Use the --showconfig flag to see what will be using
$ git clone ; cd dwsutil

$ python3 -m venv venv

$ . venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

(venv) $ ./ --showconfig --notimestamp
    DWS API Endpoint....:
    config file.........: dwsutil.cfg                    ( Existing dwsutil.cfg )
    k8s config file.....: /home/developer/.kube/config   ( $KUBECONFIG env )
    Preview.............: False
    Context.............: WFR
    ...Count............: 1
    WFR name............:
    WLM id..............: 5f239bd8-30db-450b-8c2c-a1a7c8631a1a
    Job id..............: 5555
    User id.............: 1001
    # of nodes..........: 1
    Exclude computes....: ['bogus 1', 'bogus 2']
    Exclude rabbits.....: ['bogus rabbit 1', 'bogus rabbit 2']
    Inventory file......: None
    dw directive........: #DW jobdw type=xfs capacity=5GB name=vm-test-1-raw
    ShowConfig..........: True
    Munge WFR names.....: False
    Munge Compute names.: False
    Allow regexes.......: False

Basic DWS Utility configuration

By default, will look for a configuration file named dwsutil.cfg. The configuration file may also be specified by setting the DWSUTIL_CONFIG environment variable to point to a configuration file. The configuration file may be overriden using the command line flag -c path_to_config. A configuration file is NOT NECESSARY if a kube config can be resolved using other means. See the note above on kube config resolution.

Many of the command line options may be specified in a configuration file.

  • All of the fields are optional and have defaults in dwsutil
  • Individual items in a config file may be commented out with a '#'
  • The path for the k8s config file may contain environment variables
  • The following variable replacements are supported in wfrname, #dw, jobid, userid, and groupid (applies to config and command line args)
    • $(startime) - The time dwsutil was started in the form yyyymmddhhmmss
    • $(time) - The current date time in the form yyyymmddhhmmssW where W is a unique integer counter for uniqueness
    • $(randint) - A random integer value between 0 and sys.maxsize
    • $(randintid) - A random integer value between 1000 and 9999

The following is an example configuration containing most of the configurable items:

  config: $HOME/.kube/config
  context: kind-vm
  userid: 1001
  groupid: 1001
  jobid: $(randintid)
  wlmid: "flux01"
  wfrname: "testwfr-$(starttime)"
  pretty: true
  quiet: true
  munge: false
  nodes: 1
  regex: true
  inventory: "data/compute_inventory.yaml"
  preview: true
    - dw: "#DW jobdw type=xfs capacity=5GB name=xfs-$(time)"
    - dw: "#DW jobdw type=xfs capacity=20GB name=xfs-$(time)"
    - name: "Compute 0"
    - name: "Compute 3"
    - name: "rabbit-node-0"
    - name: "rabbit-node-123"

The previous configuration displayed by dwsutil to illustrate variable replacement:

$ ./ -c example.cfg --showconfig
DWS API Endpoint....:
config file.........: example.cfg                    ( CLI )
k8s config file.....: /Users/SomeUser/.kube/config      ( Config file )
K8S default.........:
Available contexts..: []
Using K8S context...: kind-vm                        ( Config file )
Preview.............: True
Context.............: WFR
...Count............: 1
WFR name............: testwfr-20220214121617
WLM id..............: flux01
Job id..............: 3645
User id.............: 1001
# of nodes..........: 1
Exclude computes....: ['compute 0', 'compute 3']
Exclude rabbits.....: ['rabbit-node-0', 'rabbit-node-123']
Inventory file......: data/compute_inventory.yaml
dw directive........: #DW jobdw type=xfs capacity=5GB name=xfs-202202141216179
dw directive........: #DW jobdw type=xfs capacity=20GB name=xfs-2022021412161710
ShowConfig..........: True
Munge WFR names.....: False
Allow regexes.......: True

Command completion

DWS Utility supports bash command completion for many arguments. To use command completion, you must perform the following 2 steps:

source dwsutil-completion.bash
complete -o nospace -o bashdefault -o default -F _comp_dwsutil

Some examples:

$ ./ --<TAB><TAB>
--config       --exr          --kcfg         --name         --notimestamp  --pretty       --userid
--groupid      --context      --inventory    --kctx         --node         --opcount      --regex
--version      --exc          --jobid        --munge        --noreuse      --operation    --showconfig

$ ./ --op<TAB><TAB>
--opcount    --operation

$ ./ --operation<TAB><TAB>
assignresources   create            delete            get               investigate       list              progress          progressteardown

Command completion is context sensitive and will change response according to the context:

$ ./ --context system --operation i<TAB>

$ ./ --context system --operation investigate

You can partially type an operation and command completion with suggest operations for you:

$ ./ --operation progress<TAB><TAB>
progress          progressteardown

Command completion is even smart enough to query HPE workflows

  • This function will first use any kube config provided by the -k option
  • Then it will attempt to pull a k8s config from any -c config specified
  • Finally it will use the default kube configuration

Note: This functionality is experimental and may be a bit broken

$ ./ --operation progressteardown -n<TAB><TAB>
example  tst1     tst2

$ ./ --operation progressteardown -n tst<TAB><TAB>
tst1  tst2

$ ./ --operation progressteardown -n tst1
    "action": "progressteardown",
    "preview": false,
    "results": [
            "message": "Workflow 'tst1' progressed from 'Proposal' to 'Teardown'",
            "name": "tst1",
            "result": "succeeded"

Basic DWS Utility usage


  • The default context for dwsutil is Workflow/WFR
  • The --preview flag will show any changes that would be made to the system without actually performing the operation

Display program usage $ ./dwsutil -?

Create a Workflow Resource

$ ./ --operation create -n wfr-demo
    "action": "create",
    "preview": false,
    "results": [
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-demo created",
            "name": "wfr-demo",
            "result": "succeeded"

List existing Workflow resources (no filtering currently available)

$ ./ --operation list
    "wfrs": [

Get basic Workflow information

$ ./ --operation get -n wfr-demo
    "desiredState": "Proposal",
    "name": "wfr-demo",
    "ready": true,
    "state": "Proposal"

Assign server resources to a Workflow resource Note: In the case of an XFS/GFS2 filesystem, the number of nodes will dicate the number of servers(rabbit) that get assigned. If a server contains 16 compute nodes and the request is for 17 nodes, it will take 2 servers to fulfill that request. 'assignservers' should occur PRIOR to 'assigncomputes'.

$ ./ --operation assignservers --nodes 17
    "action": "assignresources",
    "preview": false,
    "results": {
        "breakdowns": [
                "allocationSet": [
                        "allocationSize": 5000000000,
                        "label": "xfs",
                        "storage": [
                                "allocationCount": 16,
                                "name": "rabbit-node-1"
                                "allocationCount": 1,
                                "name": "rabbit-node-0"
                "name": "dp1b-wfr-xfs-0",
                "serverObj": [
        "name": "dp1b-wfr-xfs",
        "result": "succeeded"

Assign resources to a Workflow resource NOTE: This will use cluster inventory unless overridden with an inventory file**

$ ./ --operation assignresources -n wfr-demo
    "action": "assignresources",
    "preview": false,
    "results": [
            "computes": [
                "Compute 0"
            "name": "wfr-demo",
            "result": "succeeded",
            "servers": [

Assign SPECIFIC servers to a Workflow resource Resources may be specified by using the --alloc flag. At the present time, only Lustre resources are supported. If you use this flag, you must specify resources for all of the components (mgt,mdt,ost). The form of the argument is:

--alloc "<dw name>;mgt=<rabbit-name>;mdt=<rabbit-name>;ost=<rabbit-name>:<optional number of allocations>"

The default number of allocations is 1. The "ost" component may have multiple rabbits assigned by providing multiple rabbit:allocation specifications separated by a comma.

Note: You cannot combine --alloc with --exr flags

The following would assign specific resources to the following #DW: #DW jobdw type=lustre capacity=15GB name=fs-lustre

$ ./ -c --operation assignservers --alloc "fs-lustre;mgt=rabbit-01;mdt=rabbit-02;ost=rabbit-03:2,rabbit-04:2" --preview
    "action": "assignresources",
    "preview": true,
    "results": {
        "breakdowns": [
                "allocationSet": [
                        "allocationSize": 1000000000000,
                        "label": "mdt",
                        "storage": [
                                "allocationCount": 1,
                                "name": "rabbit-02"
                        "allocationSize": 1000000000,
                        "label": "mgt",
                        "storage": [
                                "allocationCount": 1,
                                "name": "rabbit-01"
                        "allocationSize": 1250000000,
                        "label": "ost",
                        "storage": [
                                "allocationCount": 2,
                                "name": "rabbit-03"
                                "allocationCount": 2,
                                "name": "rabbit-04"
                "name": "dp1b-wfr-lustre-0",
                "serverObj": [
        "name": "dp1b-wfr-lustre",
        "result": "succeeded"

Progress a Workflow to the next desiredState NOTE: Workflow will not progress if it is not in a Ready state

$ ./ --operation progress -n wfr-demo
    "action": "progress",
    "preview": false,
    "results": [
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-demo' progressed from 'Proposal' to 'Setup'",
            "name": "wfr-demo",
            "result": "succeeded"

Progress a Workflow directly to the teardown desiredState

$ ./ --operation progressteardown -n wfr-demo
    "action": "progress",
    "preview": false,
    "results": [
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-demo' progressed from 'Setup' to 'Teardown'",
            "name": "wfr-demo",
            "result": "succeeded"

Delete a Workflow NOTE: A Workflow must be in a teardown state to be deleted

$ ./ --operation delete -n wfr-demo
    "action": "delete",
    "preview": false,
    "results": [
            "name": "wfr-demo",
            "result": "succeeded"

Display cluster inventory

$ ./ --context inventory --operation show
    "nnfnodes": [
            "capacity": 37383395344384,
            "computes": [
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "0",
                    "name": "Rabbit",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "1",
                    "name": "Compute 0",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "2",
                    "name": "Compute 1",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "3",
                    "name": "Compute 2",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "4",
                    "name": "Compute 3",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "5",
                    "name": "Compute 4",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "6",
                    "name": "Compute 5",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "7",
                    "name": "Compute 6",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "8",
                    "name": "Compute 7",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "9",
                    "name": "Compute 8",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "10",
                    "name": "Compute 9",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "11",
                    "name": "Compute 10",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "12",
                    "name": "Compute 11",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "13",
                    "name": "Compute 12",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "14",
                    "name": "Compute 13",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "15",
                    "name": "Compute 14",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "16",
                    "name": "Compute 15",
                    "status": "Ready"
            "name": "kind-worker",
            "status": "Ready"
            "capacity": 37378395406336,
            "computes": [
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "0",
                    "name": "Rabbit",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "1",
                    "name": "Compute 0",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "2",
                    "name": "Compute 1",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "3",
                    "name": "Compute 2",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "4",
                    "name": "Compute 3",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "5",
                    "name": "Compute 4",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "6",
                    "name": "Compute 5",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "7",
                    "name": "Compute 6",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "8",
                    "name": "Compute 7",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "9",
                    "name": "Compute 8",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "10",
                    "name": "Compute 9",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "11",
                    "name": "Compute 10",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "12",
                    "name": "Compute 11",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "13",
                    "name": "Compute 12",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "14",
                    "name": "Compute 13",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "15",
                    "name": "Compute 14",
                    "status": "Ready"
                    "health": "OK",
                    "id": "16",
                    "name": "Compute 15",
                    "status": "Ready"
            "name": "kind-worker2",
            "status": "Ready"
    "source": "Cluster-"

Advanced DWS Utility usage

Specify additional attributes for a Workflow The following attributes may be specified when creating a Workflow:

  • name
  • wlmID
  • jobID
  • userID
  • dw (datawarp directives)

$ ./ --operation create -n wfr-06 --wlmid flux01 --jobid 5055 --userid 1002 --dw "#DW jobdw type=xfs capacity=5GB name=xfs01"

    "action": "create",
    "preview": false,
    "results": [
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-06 created",
            "name": "wfr-06",
            "result": "succeeded"

Create multiple Workflow in a single operation (not multi-threaded) $ ./ --operation create -n wfr-batch --opcount 5

    "action": "create",
    "preview": false,
    "results": [
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-batch-0 created",
            "name": "wfr-batch-0",
            "result": "succeeded"
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-batch-1 created",
            "name": "wfr-batch-1",
            "result": "succeeded"
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-batch-2 created",
            "name": "wfr-batch-2",
            "result": "succeeded"
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-batch-3 created",
            "name": "wfr-batch-3",
            "result": "succeeded"
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-batch-4 created",
            "name": "wfr-batch-4",
            "result": "succeeded"

$ ./ --operation list

    "wfrs": [

Many following operations allow regular expressions to be specified with the -n flag

  • progress
  • progressteardown
  • delete

$ ./ --operation list

    "wfrs": [

$ ./ --operation progress --regex -n "wfr-0[1-3]"

    "action": "progress",
    "preview": false,
    "results": [
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-01' progressed from 'Proposal' to 'Setup'",
            "name": "wfr-01",
            "result": "succeeded"
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-02' progressed from 'Proposal' to 'Setup'",
            "name": "wfr-02",
            "result": "succeeded"
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-03' progressed from 'Proposal' to 'Setup'",
            "name": "wfr-03",
            "result": "succeeded"

$ ./ --operation progressteardown --regex -n "wfr-0[1-5]"

    "action": "progressteardown",
    "preview": false,
    "results": [
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-01' progressed from 'Setup' to 'Teardown'",
            "name": "wfr-01",
            "result": "succeeded"
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-02' progressed from 'Setup' to 'Teardown'",
            "name": "wfr-02",
            "result": "succeeded"
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-03' progressed from 'Setup' to 'Teardown'",
            "name": "wfr-03",
            "result": "succeeded"
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-04' progressed from 'Proposal' to 'Teardown'",
            "name": "wfr-04",
            "result": "succeeded"
            "message": "Workflow 'wfr-05' progressed from 'Proposal' to 'Teardown'",
            "name": "wfr-05",
            "result": "succeeded"

$ ./ --operation delete --regex -n "wfr-0[2,4]"

    "action": "delete",
    "preview": false,
    "results": [
            "name": "wfr-02",
            "result": "succeeded"
            "name": "wfr-04",
            "result": "succeeded"

$ ./ --operation list

    "wfrs": [

$ ./ --operation delete --regex -n "wfr-.*"

    "action": "delete",
    "preview": false,
    "results": [
            "name": "wfr-01",
            "result": "succeeded"
            "name": "wfr-03",
            "result": "succeeded"
            "name": "wfr-05",
            "result": "succeeded"

$ ./ --operation list

    "wfrs": []
**Investigate overall system configuration**

$ ./ --context system --operation investigate


DWS API Endpoint....: config file.........: dwsutil.cfg ( Existing dwsutil.cfg ) K8S default.........: ../dwsutil-save/kube-dp1b.cfg:../dwsutil-save/kube-vm.cfg:/Users/billj/.kube/config:localdata/kube-dp0.cfg Available contexts..: ['dp1b', 'kind-vm', 'kind-kind', 'dp0'] Using K8S context...: dp1b ( Default context )

HPE Manager Nodes

rabbit-k8s-worker Ready labels: ['cray.nnf.manager:true', 'cray.wlm.manager:true'] taints: None

HPE Rabbit Nodes

rabbit-node-0 Ready labels: ['cray.nnf.node:true', 'cray.nnf.x-name:rabbit-node-0'] taints: ['cray.nnf.node NoSchedule:true'] rabbit-node-1 Ready labels: ['cray.nnf.node:true', 'cray.nnf.x-name:rabbit-node-1'] taints: ['cray.nnf.node NoSchedule:true']

Other Nodes

rabbit-k8s-master Ready labels: None taints: None


cert-manager cert-manager-5d7f97b46d-fs5h6 Running cert-manager cert-manager-webhook-54754dcdfd-4tpjx Running nnf-system nnf-controller-manager-658d8c4b46-pgdxz Running nnf-system nnf-node-manager-kl6d6 Running nnf-system nnf-node-manager-c72fg Running dws-operator-system dws-operator-controller-manager-57bf7c467d-z8bjp Running

Custom Resource Definitions


Total nodes: 4 Total Rabbit nodes: 2 Total Manager nodes: 1 HPE custom resource definitions: 11

**Investigate a specific Workflow resource**

$ ./ --operation investigate -n wfr-20220202-1636

-------------------- Object: Workflow default.wfr-20220202-1636-------------------- { "apiVersion": "", "kind": "Workflow", "metadata": { "creationTimestamp": "2022-02-02T22:36:48Z", "generation": 11, "name": "wfr-20220202-1636", "namespace": "default", "resourceVersion": "5272024", "uid": "b68e2093-38f9-4abd-997e-1de2e6390396" }, "spec": { "desiredState": "Setup", "dwDirectives": [ "#DW jobdw type=xfs capacity=5GB name=vm-test-1-raw" ], "jobID": 5555, "userID": 1001, "wlmID": "5f239bd8-30db-450b-8c2c-a1a7c8631a1a" }, "status": { "computes": { "name": "wfr-20220202-1636", "namespace": "default" }, "desiredStateChange": "2022-02-02T22:36:55.235048Z", "directiveBreakdowns": [ { "name": "wfr-20220202-1636-0", "namespace": "default" } ], "drivers": [ { "completeTime": "2022-02-02T22:36:48.442728Z", "completed": true, "driverID": "nnf", "dwdIndex": 0, "lastHB": 0, "taskID": "", "watchState": "Proposal" }, { "completeTime": "2022-02-02T22:36:55.281755Z", "completed": true, "driverID": "nnf", "dwdIndex": 0, "lastHB": 0, "taskID": "", "watchState": "Setup" }, { "completed": false, "driverID": "nnf", "dwdIndex": 0, "lastHB": 0, "taskID": "", "watchState": "PreRun" }, { "completed": false, "driverID": "nnf", "dwdIndex": 0, "lastHB": 0, "taskID": "", "watchState": "PostRun" }, { "completed": false, "driverID": "nnf", "dwdIndex": 0, "lastHB": 0, "taskID": "", "watchState": "Teardown" } ], "elapsedTimeLastState": "96.633ms", "message": "Workflow setup completed successfully", "ready": true, "readyChange": "2022-02-02T22:36:55.331681Z", "reason": "Completed", "state": "Setup" } } -------------------- Object: computes default.wfr-20220202-1636 -------------------- { "apiVersion": "", "kind": "Computes", "metadata": { "creationTimestamp": "2022-02-02T22:36:48Z", "generation": 1, "name": "wfr-20220202-1636", "namespace": "default", "ownerReferences": [ { "apiVersion": "", "blockOwnerDeletion": true, "controller": true, "kind": "Workflow", "name": "wfr-20220202-1636", "uid": "b68e2093-38f9-4abd-997e-1de2e6390396" } ], "resourceVersion": "5271982", "uid": "7fbaddcb-d0dd-4cfc-aad9-0dd0fb3bcbd0" } } -------------------- Object: directiveBreakdown default.wfr-20220202-1636-0 -------------------- { "apiVersion": "", "kind": "DirectiveBreakdown", "metadata": { "creationTimestamp": "2022-02-02T22:36:48Z", "generation": 1, "name": "wfr-20220202-1636-0", "namespace": "default", "ownerReferences": [ { "apiVersion": "", "blockOwnerDeletion": true, "controller": true, "kind": "Workflow", "name": "wfr-20220202-1636", "uid": "b68e2093-38f9-4abd-997e-1de2e6390396" } ], "resourceVersion": "5271979", "uid": "d56ede8f-f1de-4f54-aed7-ed71be7babfc" }, "spec": { "dwRecord": { "dwDirective": "#DW jobdw type=xfs capacity=5GB name=vm-test-1-raw", "dwDirectiveIndex": 0 }, "lifetime": "job", "name": "vm-test-1-raw", "type": "xfs" }, "status": { "allocationSet": [ { "allocationStrategy": "AllocatePerCompute", "constraints": { "labels": [ "" ] }, "label": "xfs", "minimumCapacity": 5000000000 } ], "ready": true, "servers": { "name": "wfr-20220202-1636-0", "namespace": "default" } } } -------------------- Object: Server default.wfr-20220202-1636-0 -------------------- { "apiVersion": "", "kind": "Servers", "metadata": { "creationTimestamp": "2022-02-02T22:36:48Z", "finalizers": [ "" ], "generation": 1, "name": "wfr-20220202-1636-0", "namespace": "default", "ownerReferences": [ { "apiVersion": "", "blockOwnerDeletion": true, "controller": true, "kind": "DirectiveBreakdown", "name": "wfr-20220202-1636-0", "uid": "d56ede8f-f1de-4f54-aed7-ed71be7babfc" } ], "resourceVersion": "5271981", "uid": "9fd9f344-3549-463b-a2bc-ed48c2e4a2dd" }, "spec": {}, "status": { "lastUpdate": "2022-02-02T22:36:48.414713Z", "ready": false } }

Objects evaluated

Workflow name : default.wfr-20220202-1636 owner: n/a created: 2022-02-02T22:36:48Z Computes name : default.wfr-20220202-1636 owner: Workflow wfr-20220202-1636 created: 2022-02-02T22:36:48Z DirectiveBreakdowns name : default.wfr-20220202-1636-0 owner: Workflow wfr-20220202-1636 created: 2022-02-02T22:36:48Z Server name : default.wfr-20220202-1636-0 owner: DirectiveBreakdown wfr-20220202-1636-0 created: 2022-02-02T22:36:48Z

Missing objects

No missing objects


WORKFLOW: desiredState 'Setup' has been achieved WARNING: Workflow desiredState is 'Setup' but no computes have been assigned WARNING: Workflow desiredState is 'Setup' but no servers have been assigned to 'wfr-20220202-1636-0'

## Error examples
**Querying a missing WFR**
`$ ./ --operation get -n wfr-bogus`
    "dwserrorcode": 101,
    "error": true,
    "function": "",
    "message": "Workflow Resource named 'wfr-bogus' was not found"
$ echo $?

$ ./ --operation delete -n "wfr-batch-2"

    "action": "delete",
    "preview": false,
    "results": [
            "message": "Workflow Resource named 'wfr-batch-2' must be in a state of 'Teardown' to be deleted, current state is 'Proposal'",
            "name": "wfr-batch-2",
            "result": "failed"
$ echo $?

$ ./ --operation delete -n "wfr-bogus"

    "action": "delete",
    "preview": false,
    "results": [
            "message": "Workflow Resource named 'wfr-bogus' was not found",
            "name": "wfr-bogus",
            "result": "failed"
$ echo $?

Errors when multiple operations are occurring $ ./ --operation delete --regex -n "wfr.*"

    "action": "delete",
    "preview": false,
    "results": [
            "name": "wfr-batch-0",
            "result": "succeeded"
            "message": "Workflow Resource named 'wfr-batch-1' must be in a state of 'Teardown' to be deleted, current state is 'Proposal'",
            "name": "wfr-batch-1",
            "result": "failed"
            "message": "Workflow Resource named 'wfr-batch-2' must be in a state of 'Teardown' to be deleted, current state is 'Proposal'",
            "name": "wfr-batch-2",
            "result": "failed"
            "message": "Workflow Resource named 'wfr-batch-3' must be in a state of 'Teardown' to be deleted, current state is 'Proposal'",
            "name": "wfr-batch-3",
            "result": "failed"
            "message": "Workflow Resource named 'wfr-batch-4' must be in a state of 'Teardown' to be deleted, current state is 'Proposal'",
            "name": "wfr-batch-4",
            "result": "failed"
$ echo $?

Return values

0 - Operation completed successfully !0 - Something failed

Specified returned error values:

  • 100 - DWS_GENERAL - A general DWS / Kubernetes error occurred, inspect the resulting message
  • 101 - DWS_NOTFOUND - The named object was not found
  • 102 - DWS_ALREADY_EXISTS - An attempt to create an object was made for an object that already exists
  • 103 - DWS_NOTREADY - An operation was attempted on an object that was not in a Ready state
  • 104 - DWS_IMPROPERSTATE An operation was attempted on an object that was in the wrong state
  • 105 - DWS_INCOMPLETE - An operation was attempted on an object that was missing components (e.g. DirectiveBreakdown missing)
  • 106 - DWS_NO_INVENTORY - An operation that requires inventory was attempted when no inventory was present/available
  • 107 - DWS_SOME_OPERATION_FAILED - An batch operation had at least 1 failure
  • 500 - DWS_K8S_ERROR - An uncaught kubernetes error occurred, inspect the resulting message for more information


DWS Utility comes with a Dockerfile that can be used to run the utility inside of a container. The version tag is extracted from the DWSUTILITY_VERSION variable inside of pkg/

Build the docker image

make image
$ docker images | grep dwsutil
dwsutil                                                 0.2               0b7db29921af   10 minutes ago      198MB                       0.2               0b7db29921af   10 minutes ago      198MB

Run the docker image You will need to specify your kubernetes config in the form of a mount to docker. Change the source= to reference your own kube config. If you run into any "Operation not permitted" errors, you may need to add the following flag to your docker run command: --security-opt=seccomp=docker_default.json

$ docker run --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/localdata/kube-vm.cfg,target="/app/.kube/config",readonly  dwsutil:0.2 --showconfig
2022-02-04 20:24:42 DWS API Endpoint....:
2022-02-04 20:24:42 config file.........: dwsutil.cfg                    ( Existing dwsutil.cfg )
2022-02-04 20:24:42 K8S default.........: ~/.kube/config
2022-02-04 20:24:42 Available contexts..: ['kind-vm']
2022-02-04 20:24:42 Using K8S context...: kind-vm                        ( Default context )
2022-02-04 20:24:42 Preview.............: False
2022-02-04 20:24:42 Context.............: WFR
2022-02-04 20:24:42 Operation...........:
2022-02-04 20:24:42 ...Count............: 1
2022-02-04 20:24:42 WFR name............:
2022-02-04 20:24:42 WLM id..............: 5f239bd8-30db-450b-8c2c-a1a7c8631a1a
2022-02-04 20:24:42 Job id..............: 5555
2022-02-04 20:24:42 User id.............: 1001
2022-02-04 20:24:42 # of nodes..........: 1
2022-02-04 20:24:42 Exclude computes....: []
2022-02-04 20:24:42 Exclude rabbits.....: []
2022-02-04 20:24:42 Inventory file......: None
2022-02-04 20:24:42 dw directive........: #DW jobdw type=xfs capacity=5GB name=vm-test-1-raw
2022-02-04 20:24:42 ShowConfig..........: True
2022-02-04 20:24:42 Munge WFR names.....: False
2022-02-04 20:24:42 Munge Compute names.: False
2022-02-04 20:24:42 Allow regexes.......: False
$ docker run --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/localdata/kube-vm.cfg,target="/app/.kube/config",readonly  dwsutil:0.2 --operation list
    "wfrs": [

Running unit tests in a container

$ make container-unit-test
docker build -f Dockerfile --label -t --target container-unit-test .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  92.49MB
Step 1/9 : FROM alpine:3.15 as builder
 ---> c059bfaa849c
 ---> Using cache
 ---> e66f0654663e


Successfully tagged
docker run --rm -t --name container-unit-test
test_arg_configfile (testArgs.TestArgs) ... ok
test_arg_context (testArgs.TestArgs) ... ok
test_arg_context_default (testArgs.TestArgs) ... ok


test_dws_wfr_update_desiredstate_notfound (testDws.TestDWS) ... ok
test_dws_wfr_update_desiredstate_notready (testDws.TestDWS) ... ok
test_dws_wfr_update_desiredstate_notready_force (testDws.TestDWS) ... ok

Ran 128 tests in 0.458s

Unit tests successful

Cleaning up your dwsutil docker containers You may easily delete all of your dwsutil container images by running

make docker-clean

Linting and Testing

DWS Utility was continually linted during development using flake8 for various PEP violations

Unit tests and code coverage have been implemented in DWSUtility.

To run a single unit test file: python3 -m unittest run tests/ -v

To run all unit tests with python3: python3 -m unittest discover -s tests/ -v

To run all unit tests with make: make test

To generate a code coverage report: make coveragereport

coverage run --branch --timid --source=. --omit=tests/* -m unittest discover -s tests/ -v 2>&1 | tee tests/results.txt
test_arg_configfile (testArgs.TestArgs) ... ok


test_dws_wfr_update_desiredstate_notfound (testDws.TestDWS) ... ok
test_dws_wfr_update_desiredstate_notready (testDws.TestDWS) ... ok
test_dws_wfr_update_desiredstate_notready_force (testDws.TestDWS) ... ok

Ran 128 tests in 3.748s

coverage report --skip-empty
Name                            Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
-----------------------------------------------------------------                          7      7      2      0     0%
pkg/                     437    186    194     33    60%
pkg/                     71     18     22      4    68%
pkg/                 890    846    464      0     3%
pkg/                        233      6     40      6    95%
pkg/                        54     54      6      0     0%
pkg/crd/              42      0     14      0   100%
pkg/crd/      25      0      8      0   100%
pkg/crd/                 68      0     22      0   100%
pkg/crd/                 34      0      4      0   100%
pkg/crd/               103      3     18      0    98%
TOTAL                            1964   1120    794     43    39%

2 empty files skipped.

To generate a code coverage html report: make coveragehtml

To generate a code coverage html report and open in a browser (MacOS only ) Note: Only do this once, then use make coveragehtml to update the html and then refresh in the browser. make showcoverage


Data Workflow Services Utility







No releases published


No packages published
