This is a project template for the course DH2323 Computer Graphics and Interaction. It's for the first lab, and for lab 2 and 3 in the Rendering track.
Great IDE's are Visual Studio for Windows or CLion for Mac. They both use CMake as build system.
Once you got either and have downloaded this template, opening the project (the whole project, not individual lab folders) with the IDE should be enough for it to detect it's a CMake project. If not, right-click on the CMakeLists
file and select "Generate cache for ..." or "Reload Cmake Project".
When the cache is generated, you should be able to see and select the labs/tests in "Select Startup Item" in Visual Studio or "Edit Configurations" in CLion. The following targets already exists and should work right out of the box:
- Lab1
- Lab2
- Lab3
- other
- test1
You will probably see other targets as well. These are some test programs from SDL which you can ignore. Or don't, I'm not your parent.
Clion has a free community edition but also a professional version that's free for students, if you sign up with your KTH account.
Debug mode is the default, and it's slow but allows attaching a debugger. For some labs you want to be able to move the camera around so you don't want each frame to take several seconds. In these cases, build in release.
- CLion:
- Visual Studio:
I've included a simple test header file. In the folder tests/
you can see some examples of how it's used.
To add a test, create a cpp file in the folder tests/
as the examples show. Then go to the bottom of the CMakeLists
file and add the name of the cpp file (without the cpp extension) to the variable TESTS
. Doing so should create a new runnable target with the name of the file.
I ultimately decided to have the libraries SDL2 and GLM in the repository, but this isn't needed. Using git, you can add them using submodules, i.e. with git submodule add <url-to-repository>
Or, if you don't want to use git, you can do it manually. In the folder scripts
are the scripts download_libraries
what you would've run in order to download the libraries.
chmod +x