A great tool for traveler in Genshin Impact world!
This tool have:
Automate get EXP for check in to the Hoyolab community and claim reward on Hoyolab site.
Print your current info of the last 5 star gacha wish and current pity count.
Export your gacha wish history from Genshin Impact account into Excel file and send it to Dropbox.
Fork this repository and you can go to the next step.
Please use Chrome browser so we are in same page. 🙏
Go to https://www.hoyolab.com/genshin/ then login
Right click on the page and clik Inspect element then go to Console tab. Then type
. Copy that!
Here's illustrated image for step 3.
- Go to Secret menu in your fork repository and make secret name HOYOLAB_COOKIE and paste the value you get from step 3.
Here are illustrated image for step 4.
- Go to Actions menu in Workflows section click Hoyolab Automation. Click Run workflow, use Branch: main and click Run workflow.
- Get authkey url and set the url to Secrets menu in your fork repository with name AUTHKEY_URL. How to get it? Please see: Get Authkey - Wishxporter for more info.
Here are illustrated image for step 1
- Go to Actions menu in Workflows section click Run Wishxporter Lite Mode. Click Run workflow, use Branch: main and click Run workflow.
Here's illustrated image for step 2.
- Here's the result ater run step 2.
Note: This workflow is manual trigger. So, you must repeat those steps above.
Create application in Dropbox App Console.
Click Scoped access.
Choose App folder so the service will access to single folder created specially for your app.
Give the name for your app e.g Wishxporter
Click Create App
Here's illustrated image from step 2 to 5.
- Set permissions files.content.write in Permissions tab then click Submit.
Here's illustrated image for step 6.
- Get access token by click Generate with no expiration option in Settings tab. Copy the access token and we will use for the next step.
Here's illustrated image for step 7.
- Create secrets with name with name DROPBOX_TOKEN in Secrets menu in your fork GitHub repository and store the access token value there then click Add secret.
Here are illustrated image for step 8.
- Get authkey url and set the url to Secrets menu in your fork repository with name AUTHKEY_URL. How to get it? Please see: Get Authkey - Wishxporter for more info.
Here are illustrated image for step 9 (It's same with step 8).
- Go to Actions menu in Workflows section click Run Wishxporter. Click Run workflow, use Branch: main and click Run workflow.
Here's illustrated image for step 10.
Note: This workflow is manual trigger. So, you must repeat those steps above if you want to get new history gacha data in Excel.
I hope this tool helps you and if you want to support please treat me on trakteer.id/satyakresna