Bean Validation (JSR 303) plugin for valdr, the new AngularJS Model Validator.
- Offering
- Features
- Use
- Dependency on valdr
- Mapping of Bean Validation constraints to valdr constraints
- Support
- License
valdr Bean Validation parses Java model classes for Bean Validation constraints (aka JSR 303 annotations) and extracts their information into a JSON document to be used by valdr. This allows to apply the exact same validation rules on the server and on the AngularJS client.
- offline use: CLI client which can be integrated into build process to produce static valdr JSON which is packaged and delivered with the web application
- online use: Servlet which parses model classes at runtime and sends JSON back to AngularJS client (e.g. during client start or on-demand)
- both Servlet and CLI client support a number of config options
- list of packages to scan
- list of classes in those packages to exclude
- list of fields to exclude
- list of custom annotation classes to include in JSON
- whether to output simple or full type names
- the output file name (CLI only)
HTTP header value (Servlet only)
- Servlet offers built-in CORS support
Check out the demo for usage samples of both CLI client and Servlet.
Example of Maven integration:
<!-- optional, if omitted valdr-bean-validation.json is expected at the root of the class path -->
<!-- optional, overrides any 'outputFile' which may have been set in the above config file -->
Example of web.xml
<servlet-name>valdr Bean Validation Servlet</servlet-name>
<!-- if omitted valdr-bean-validation.json is expected at the root of the class path -->
valdr Bean Validation is dependent on valdr in two ways:
- JSON structure is defined by valdr
- validators listed in the JSON document have to be either a [supported valdr valdidator] ( or one of your custom JavaScript validators
To indicate which valdr version a specific valdr Bean Validation version supports there's a simple rule: the first digit of the valdr Bean Validation version denotes the supported valdr version. Version 1.x will support valdr 1. This means that valdr Bean Validation 1.x+1 may introduce breaking changes over 1.x because the second version digit kind-of represents the "major" version.
The enum defines the mapping of Bean Validation constraints to valdr constraints.
Bean Validation | valdr | Comment |
NotNull | required | |
Min | min | |
Max | max | |
Size | size | |
Digits | digits | |
Pattern | pattern | Java regex pattern is transformed to JavaScript pattern |
Future | future | |
Past | past | |
proprietary Hibernate Validator (not in Bean Validation spec) | ||
URL | url | proprietary Hibernate Validator (not in Bean Validation spec) |
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MIT © Netcetera AG