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Getting started

Install node.js.

Install gulp and bower.

$ npm -g install gulp bower

After that, check out the Walmart-Assignment project from git and run the following commands from the root folder:

$ npm install
$ bower install
$ gulp serve

You are now ready to go, your application is available at

Every file you add, edit or delete into the /client folder will be handled by the build system.

Directory Structure

  • build/ - Build files and configuration, the most important files to note are build.config.js, protractor.config.js and karma.config.js. These files are the heart of the build system. Take a look.
  • client/ the source code and tests of your application, take a look at the modules in this folder, you should structure your application following those conventions, but you can choose another convention as well.
  • .bowerrc - the bower configuration file. This tells Bower to install components in the client/src/vendor directory.
  • .jshintrc - JSHint configuration.
  • gulpfile - see The Build System below.
  • bower.json - Contains the list of bower dependencies.
  • package.json - node.js dependencies.

A description of available tasks:

  • gulp serve - The Application is up and running for you to access at port 3000. -- http://localhost:3000/#/search

  • Sample Search Screen Shot: Screenshot

  • Sample Results Screen Shot: Screenshot

  • Sample Recommendations Screen Shot: Screenshot

TO look at both the web app and the documentation, stop gulp serve and do gulp default:

  • gulp default - With this task, you have the application running at port 3000 and documentation at port 8000. -- http://localhost:8000/api

  • Sample Documentation Screen Shot: Screenshot

  • gulp test:unit - For running unit tests. and you can also check the code coverage percentage once run "gulp test:unit" task at -- Walmart_Assignment/client/test/unit-results/coverage/PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Windows 8 0.0.0)/index.html

  • Sample Code Coverage Screen Shot: Screenshot


Walmart Assignment







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