This release is compatible with DeepStream SDK 6.2
Ubuntu 20.04
Python 3.8
DeepStream SDK 6.2
Attached are the pipwheels for the Python bindings for x86 and Jetson.
The working script for installing PYDS in the 6.2-devel docker for x86 is also posted below.
- New app deepstream-imagedata-multistream-cupy added
- New app deepstream-segmask added
- New app deepstream-custom-binding-test added
- New bindings guide now available along with custom user meta guide and example
- Updated apps that use nveglglessink to use nv3dsink for Jetson
- Updated deepstream-test1 notebook and app
- New bindings added: unmap_nvds_buf_surface()
- Updated deepstream-imagedata-multistream and deepstream-imagedata-multistream-redaction to use the above new binding