This script takes one or more EMODnet tiles and converts them to a cloud optimised GeoTiff, validates the new file, and uploads to JASMIN.
Before running the script you will need the following environment variables set:
INPUT_PATH, OUTPUT_PATH & BUCKET_NAME within the script will likely need changing too.
If you'd like to download the default E3 and E4 tiles and create the combined COG file without uploading to JASMIN then run the script
To run script, run the folowing commands:
conda env update -f environment.yml
conda activate imfe_convert_emodnet
python process_emodnet -i input_dir -o output_dir -b bucket name
- input_dir should be replaced with the path to directory containing the .nc file of data.
- output_dir should be replaced with the path to directory containing the COG file.
- bucket_name is the name of the bucket in JASMIN to write to
To generate the STAC catalog without uploading use the command: python process_emodnet -i input_dir -o output_dir -b bucket name --skip-upload
This code was originally developed by Matt McCormack, James Clare, Henry James and Vidya Krishnan from the British Oceanographic Data Centre with further refinements by Colin Sauze and Tobias Ferreira.