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Installation Instructions for LAS 9

Roland Schweitzer edited this page Feb 27, 2023 · 8 revisions

LAS 9 Upgrade Instructions

If you already have a working LAS 9 installation all you have do to upgrades is these steps.

  1. Stop your tomcat server.
  2. Remove the las.war and las directories in the $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory. (Leave everything else in place).
  3. Put the new las.war file in $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps (download the war file below and rename it las.war).
  4. Start the tomcat server.

LAS 9 Installation Instructions

There's a 20 minute video walk-through of the installation processes linked a the bottom of this page.


  1. Install a Java 11 JDK. We use the one from We use SDKMAN to manage our Java installations. We are currently using sdkman 11.0.12-open currently.
  2. Install a servlet container. We use Apache Tomcat 9. Tomcat 10 does not work. It has the wrong servlet spec.

LAS Components

  1. Install PyFerret. We install PyFerret using miniconda.
  2. Install F-TDS under the same servlet container that will run LAS 9.
  • F-TDS details
    • Create a content directory parallel to the webapps directory.
    • Untar the contents of ftds.tar.gz into the newly created content directory so you have %TOMCAT_HOME/content/ftds.
    • Deploy the las.thredds.war file USING THE NAME las#thredds.war in the tomcat. THIS WAR FILE MUST BE DEPLOYED BEFORE YOU GO ON TO THE NEXT STEP. The las#thredds.war name is tomcat magic that makes a context like this which LAS will use internally.
  1. Create a file called in $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ using the template file included here.
  • Tomcat must be stopped for the new env to take effect at the next startup.
    • You must configure the -Dftds.content.dir=/home/users/rhs/tomcat5/content/ftds option. LAS will use this to configure it's internal F-TDS. You can also deploy your own THREDDS server in the same webapps directory using a context root defined as -Dtds.content.root.path=/home/users/rhs/tomcat5/content it you want. The F-TDS configuration appears under content/ftds and if you deploy thredds its configuration will appear in content/thredds.
    • Create a $TOMCAT_HOME/content/las that will hold LAS databases and configuration. It must be writable by the tomcat process. Point the YML configuration file in that directory with the SPRING_CONFIG_LOCATION env variable.
    • export SPRING_CONFIG_LOCATION=/home/users/rhs/tomcat5/content/las/application.yml
    • Tell LAS what port your tomcat uses with export SERVER_PORT=8950
  1. Set up your LAS configuration in the application.yml file using the template below. There are instructions about what to set an how in the example file comments.
  2. Put the LAS war file in place and start tomcat (rename the file las.war when you put it in the webapps dicrectory).
  3. Visit your LAS URL to see the default set up.
  4. Login to to set up your own data in LAS (the admin user name is always "admin").

Follow along with a real-time installation of LAS 9