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new files for TrajectoryProfile / TimeseriesProfile data types
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AnsleyManke committed Sep 28, 2020
1 parent 3533e05 commit 797277f
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Showing 9 changed files with 3,224 additions and 13 deletions.
225 changes: 225 additions & 0 deletions fer/gnl/load_dsg_mask_ftrset_var.F
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
SUBROUTINE LOAD_DSG_MASK_FTRSET_VAR (dset, mask_var, reload, status)

* set data/trajmask= or set data/stnmask=
* If /SMASK is used to define a trajectory-mask was given for trajectoryProfile data, or
* a timeseries-station mask for timeseriesProfile data, store the values of the mask in
* line storage.Save the memory location dsg_ftrsetmsk_lm(dset), in common. Mask data used
* in creating feature-masks when computing feature-level masking which also may include
* context limits in the E direftion. Will deallocate line mem dsg_ftrsetmsk_lm on
* defining a new mask, closing the dataset, or CANCEL DATA/FMASK.
* If there is a /FMASK then cancel it; if there is a /SMASK then
* it will be canceled upon defining an /FMASK.
* On a "LET mask= " find dataset(s) where the mask being defined has
* the same name as the dataset's current mask. Here also test the
* length of the new mask. If it's the right length for this dataset,
* will replace its FMASK, otherwise the FMASK is canceled.
* 8/20/2020 *acm*

include 'tmap_dims.parm'
include 'ferret.parm'
include 'errmsg.parm'
include 'slash.parm'
include 'command.parm'
include 'xvariables.cmn'
include 'xcontext.cmn'
include 'xprog_state.cmn'
#include "tmap_dset.parm"
include 'xdset_info.cmn_text'
include 'xtm_grid.cmn_text'
include ''

LOGICAL reload
INTEGER dset, status
CHARACTER*(*) mask_var

. i, ivar, grid, loc, ndim, idir, npts, cx, mr1,
. nftrsets, idim, dim(nferdims), attlen, varid,
. attid, attype, attoutflag, slen, orient
. buff*128, mask_title*128, buff2*7
REAL dummy

c Make sure the name is ok

IF (mask_var .EQ. ' ') GOTO 5100
IF ( .NOT.TM_LEGAL_NAME(mask_var) ) GOTO 5200

* For error messages and notes
buff2 = 'station'
IF (orient .EQ. pfeatureType_TrajectoryProfile) buff2 = 'traject'

* Is it a timeseriesProfile or trajectoryProfile dataset?

orient = dsg_orientation(dset)
is_cmpnd = orient .EQ. pfeatureType_TrajectoryProfile .OR.
. orient .EQ. pfeatureType_TimeseriesProfile

IF (.NOT.is_cmpnd) GOTO 5300

nftrsets = TM_DSG_NF2FEATURES (dset)

* Set the line-memory to store the mask data

* ... A feature-mask was already applied to the dataset. Wipe that one out.

IF (dsg_msk_lm(dset) .NE. unspecified_int4 .OR.
. dsg_ftrsetmsk_lm(dset) .NE. unspecified_int4) THEN

IF (dsg_ftrsetmsk_lm(dset) .NE. unspecified_int4) THEN
CALL FREE_LINE_DYNMEM( dsg_ftrsetmsk_lm(dset) )
CALL TM_DEALLO_DYN_LINE( dsg_ftrsetmsk_lm(dset) )
dsg_ftrsetmsk_lm(dset) = unspecified_int4
IF (dsg_msk_lm(dset) .NE. unspecified_int4) THEN
CALL FREE_LINE_DYNMEM( dsg_msk_lm(dset) )
CALL TM_DEALLO_DYN_LINE( dsg_msk_lm(dset) )
dsg_msk_lm(dset) = unspecified_int4

* ... wipe memory clear of stored variables - this could change all definitions
DO i = 1,max_mr_avail
IF ( mr_protected( i ) .NE. mr_deleted )


* Load the variable. Reset the arg pointers to get the mask-var
* Use arg_start, arg_end to point to the name of the variable.
* We may be coming from a SET DATA/TRAJMASK= or SET DATA/STNMASK=
* command or a LET command redefining a variable whose name is
* already associated with a feature-mask for this dataset.

loc = qual_given(slash_set_data_smask)
IF (loc.GT.0) THEN
IF (.NOT. is_cmpnd) GOTO 5400

IF (loc .GT. 0) THEN
num_args = 1
arg_end(1) = qual_end(loc)
arg_start(1) = qual_end(loc) - TM_LENSTR1(mask_var) + 1
arg_end(1) = arg_start(1) + TM_LENSTR1(mask_var) - 1

CALL GET_CMND_DATA ( cx_last, ptype_float, status )
IF (status .NE. ferr_ok .OR. num_uvars_in_cmnd .GT. 1) GOTO 5500

* ... make sure it's a line (not a point,plane,etc.) and that the length
* is the nftrsets-length: the # of stations or # of trajectories

cx = is_cx(isp)
CALL GET_CX_DIMS( cx, ndim, dim )
IF ( ndim .GT. 1 ) GOTO 5500
idim = dim(1)
IF (nftrsets .NE. CX_DIM_LEN( idim, cx ) ) THEN
* the mask doesn't match mask on this dset. Issue a note
IF (reload) GOTO 5600
GOTO 5500

* store it here,

CALL TM_ALLO_TMP_LINE(dsg_ftrsetmsk_lm(dset), status)
CALL GET_LINE_DYNMEM (nftrsets, dsg_ftrsetmsk_lm(dset), status)
CALL TM_USE_LINE(dsg_ftrsetmsk_lm(dset))

line_name(dsg_ftrsetmsk_lm(dset)) = buff
line_direction( dsg_ftrsetmsk_lm(dset) ) = 'EE'

mr1 = is_mr( num_uvars_in_cmnd )
cx = is_cx( num_uvars_in_cmnd )

. memry(mr1)%ptr,
. mr1,
. linemem(dsg_ftrsetmsk_lm(dset))%ptr,
. idir,
. ndim,
. npts,
. status )

IF (npts.NE.nftrsets .OR. status.NE.ferr_ok) GOTO 5000

* Put the default bad-flag into the mask data
CALL TM_SWITCH_BAD ( cx_bad_data (cx), bad_val4, linemem(dsg_ftrsetmsk_lm(dset))%ptr, npts )

* Set a global attribute with the mask title

buff = '__feature_mask_'
attlen = TM_LENSTR1(buff)
mask_title = FULL_VAR_TITLE( cx, .FALSE., attlen )

varid = 0
CALL CD_GET_VAR_ATT_ID (dset, varid, buff, attid, status)
IF (attid .GT. 0) THEN
CALL CD_GET_VAR_ATT_INFO (dset, varid, attid,
. buff, attype, attlen, attoutflag, status )
attoutflag = 0
CALL CD_REPLACE_ATTR (dset, varid, buff, attype, attlen,
. mask_title, dummy, status)
attype = NCCHAR
attoutflag = 0
CALL CD_PUT_NEW_ATTR (dset, varid, buff, attype,
. attlen, attoutflag, mask_title, dummy, status )
IF (status .NE. ferr_ok) GOTO 5000

* And another with the feature-mask name

buff = '__feature_mask_var'
attlen = TM_LENSTR1(buff)

varid = 0
CALL CD_GET_VAR_ATT_ID (dset, varid, buff, attid, status)
IF (attid .GT. 0) THEN
CALL CD_GET_VAR_ATT_INFO (dset, varid, attid,
. buff, attype, attlen, attoutflag, status )
attoutflag = 0
CALL CD_REPLACE_ATTR (dset, varid, buff, attype, attlen,
. mask_var, dummy, status)
attype = NCCHAR
attoutflag = 0
CALL CD_PUT_NEW_ATTR (dset, varid, buff, attype,
. attlen, attoutflag, mask_var, dummy, status )
IF (status .NE. ferr_ok) GOTO 5000

status = ferr_ok


5100 CALL ERRMSG( ferr_unknown_arg, status, 'argument required /FMASK=?', *5000)
5200 CALL ERRMSG( ferr_invalid_command, status,
. '/MASK=name is not an acceptable name', *5000)
5300 CALL ERRMSG (ferr_invalid_command, status,
.'/'//buff2//' is set only for Discrete Sampling Geometries datasets',
. *5000 )
5400 CALL ERRMSG (ferr_invalid_command, status,
.'/SMASK is set only for Discrete Sampling Geometries '//pCR//
.'or TrajectoryProfile datasets', *5000 )

5500 buff = TM_FMT(DBLE(nftrsets), 0, 12, i)
CALL ERRMSG (ferr_invalid_command, status,
.'Mask variable must be 1-dimensional, with length num-'//buff2//' = '//
. buff(:i), *5000 )

5600 buff = TM_FMT(DBLE(dset), 0, 12, i)
slen = TM_LENSTR1(mask_var)
CALL WARN (buff2//'-mask on dataset '//buff(:i)//
. ' canceled. New definition of '//mask_var(:slen)//
. ' length does not match # of '//buff2//' in dataset')
GOTO 5000


74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions fer/gnl/reload_dsg_ftrmaskvar.F
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@

# include "tmap_dset.parm"
include 'tmap_dims.parm'
include 'ferret.parm'
include 'errmsg.parm'
include 'xdset_info.cmn_text'
include 'xprog_state.cmn'

* 6/3/2020 *acm*
* If a variable that is a station-mask or trajectory-mask on a timeseriesProfile or
* trajectoryProfile dataset is redefined, the previous feature mask info is cleared out.
* Here, check the variable and load the new definition as the feature mask.

CHARACTER*(*) varname

LOGICAL NC_GET_ATTRIB, got_it, reload
INTEGER STR_SAME, iset, varid, attid, attlen,
. attoutflag, maxlen, alen, status
REAL attval
CHARACTER*32 attname, attstring, dummy

* ... loop over datasets. See if the variable is listed as a feature-mask
* for the dataset. If so re-load the mask.

maxlen = 32
varid = 0

DO iset = pdset_irrelevant+1, maxdsets

IF ( ds_name(iset) .EQ. char_init2048) CYCLE

varid = 0 ! look in global attributes for '__feature_mask_var'
attname = '__feature_mask_var'

CALL CD_GET_VAR_ATT_ID (iset, varid, attname, attid, status)

IF (status .NE. ferr_ok) CYCLE
got_it = NC_GET_ATTRIB ( iset, varid, attname,.FALSE., dummy,
. maxlen, attlen, attoutflag, attstring,
. attval )

IF (.NOT. got_it) CYCLE
IF (STR_SAME(varname(:slen), attstring(:attlen)) .EQ. 0) THEN

* The mask has the same name as this dataset's current smask. The LOAD
* routine also tests the length of the new mask. If it's the right
* length for this dataset, will replace its SMASK, otherwise the
* SMASK is canceled.

* These attributes will get restored using the new definition for
* the mask variable in the load routine

CALL CD_DELETE_ATTRIBUTE (iset, varid, attname, status )
attname = '__feature_mask_'
CALL CD_GET_VAR_ATT_ID (iset, varid, attname, attid, status)
CALL CD_DELETE_ATTRIBUTE (iset, varid, attname, status )

cmnd_buff = 'load '//varname(:slen)

arg_start(1) = 6
arg_end(1) = 5+slen

reload = .TRUE.
CALL LOAD_DSG_MASK_FTRSET_VAR (iset, varname, reload, status)


1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions fer/gnl/repl_exprns.F
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ SUBROUTINE REPL_EXPRNS( cmnd, lencmnd, cmnd_num,
* correct info for `var,return=dset` and dsetnum and dsetpath.
* V745 4/19 *acm* ticket 1916, special handling getting context for RETURN= outputs
* V751 6/19 *acm* ticket 1929, don't chop off str_len when testing for reformatting at the end
* V7.63 9/20 *acm* add `var,RETURN=*coord` to get coordinate variables for DSG datasets

#include ""
Expand Down

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