Weather Forecast is an application that allows users to watch the current weather conditions and the forecast with the help of the interactive weather map. his project utilizes the Microsoft.ML library to perform time series forecasting for weather data. It predicts future max/min temperature, wind speed, precipitation sum, rain sum based on historical daily weather data via open APIs. The forecasting algorithm employed is Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA). It uses Microsoft ASP.NET Core platform for API and Angular framework for UI. The Docker containerization facilitates the deployment of the server and Web UI seamlessly, requiring minimal prerequisites.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Open the folder with docker-compose.yaml file:
cd *insert path to docker-compose.yaml here*
- Start the docker containers:
docker-compose up
- Open http://localhost:8080 in a browser to access the UI.
Open http://localhost:7070/swagger to access the application API