An unofficial Python wrapper around Substack's API.
I developed this package as a lightweight tool to help researchers collect data about Substack newsletters, and to help writers archive their work off-platform. This is not a tool designed for bulk text extraction/web scraping. It supports the following functionality:
- Download full JSON metadata about newsletters by category
- Download full JSON metadata about posts by newsletter
- Download text of individual, publicly-available posts
- List newsletter categories
- Download JSON metadata about user actions - Notes, likes, newsletter reads
pip install substack-api
from substack_api import newsletter, user
List all categories on Substack:
Get metadata for the first 2 pages of Technology newsletters:
newsletter.get_newsletters_in_category(4, start_page=0, end_page=2)
Get post metadata for the most recent 30 posts from a newsletter:
newsletter.get_newsletter_post_metadata("platformer", start_offset=0, end_offset=30)
Get post contents (HTML only) from one newsletter post:
newsletter.get_post_contents("platformer", "how-a-single-engineer-brought-down", html_only=True)